Prince Boo's Mansion

grabs *OCM by his ankle* You asked for this one!!! :lol: *lifts him up to the ceiling, and hangs him on the chandelier* More memories...., and Koehler, I always knew it was PrinceBoo. Im not stupid.
*Put's money all over the room!*
ROFL! I used a substitution jitsu and that's shirkens!
Guys dont' be too sure that that is money

;) it could be a trap

:eek: or not

PKMNMasterSamus said:
*Put's money all over the room!*
ROFL! I used a substitution jitsu and that's shirkens!
Guys dont' be too sure that that is money

;) it could be a trap

:eek: or not

I can higlight you know.

OddCrazyMe said:
Fanghorn said:
I hope this isnt a subituition jusu thing. *Picks up money*
AAAAABBBBOOOOOM! I'm assuming I am supposed to clean that up... :|
What, the dropped money I spilt when i was frightened by that'll pick it up.
