*Private RP! Please don't post unless you were invited! Thanks*

(Alright, cool!)

Spodumene naps, not bothered by the water and the tide going up further and further around her.
At some point during the game of catch the clone throws the sand directly at Kuu, hitting him in the face. "Ow! Hey!" He casts a small flame spell towards the clone. [Just to make this easier I'll use 'K' and 'C'] C: "AHH! What was that for?!" The clone pats off his hoodie and runs at Kuu. Kuu jumps out of the way and tackles the clone. K: "You hit me!" C: "Not on purpose!" Kuu slaps himself. K: "Ugh. This is ridiculous." C: "You started it!" K: "No, YOU- Hey! Real funny." Kuu aims his wand at the clone and makes him disappear.

[I hope you understood that haha.]
Spodumene opens an eye and glances at Kuu. She scoffs, "How do you get in a fight with your own clone?"
"It happens more often than you'd think." Sand brushes off of Kuu after he stands up. "Sometimes they fight each other. It's pretty funny actually."
"Do they... have their own minds?" She sat up and crossed her arms, clearly interested. "How do they work, anyways? The clones."
"They know that they're clones, and they know they aren't me." Kuu shrugs trying to find a way to explain it. "I guess they think for themselves, mostly what happens is they do whatever I'm thinking about when created." A clone suddenly appears. "Since I wasn't doing anything or trying to complete a spefic task, he'll just kinda sit there and do what I tell him."