At some point during the game of catch the clone throws the sand directly at Kuu, hitting him in the face. "Ow! Hey!" He casts a small flame spell towards the clone. [Just to make this easier I'll use 'K' and 'C'] C: "AHH! What was that for?!" The clone pats off his hoodie and runs at Kuu. Kuu jumps out of the way and tackles the clone. K: "You hit me!" C: "Not on purpose!" Kuu slaps himself. K: "Ugh. This is ridiculous." C: "You started it!" K: "No, YOU- Hey! Real funny." Kuu aims his wand at the clone and makes him disappear.
"They know that they're clones, and they know they aren't me." Kuu shrugs trying to find a way to explain it. "I guess they think for themselves, mostly what happens is they do whatever I'm thinking about when created." A clone suddenly appears. "Since I wasn't doing anything or trying to complete a spefic task, he'll just kinda sit there and do what I tell him."