Problem Growing Cherries


Nov 28, 2008
Hi everyone,
I'm having problems in my budding fruit grove. well for one there's a sign where a house can go in the middle of it, but that's not the problem.
For some reason my cherries do not want to grow. They refuse. I have a couple successful trees elsewhere but in my grove they wont cooperate. Their area is next to the pears, that might have something to do wth it?
Here's a rough diagram (since i cant show a pic):
P = Pear
X = empty space
C = cherry

Can anyone shed some light on this for me? The organes are growing fone next to the pears.
Try chopping down a regular tree (you know without fruit) and plant it at the exact same spot. This might work!
I didnt know that you could have too many trees in a certain area...
But i dont think that's likely, because i just recently grew 3 orange trees and 2 pear trees, all planted on the same day as the cherry trees.
A few things you should keep in mind...

Firstly if you have a low number of cherries, don't plant any in random places. Always chop down trees and plant the cherries in the same place as the one you chopped down, that guaruntees they will grow. Using that concept, use your native fruit and just plant them all over the place to try and find places where fruit will grow...don't waste cherries on it. Then just plant cherries in the place of the native fruit that successfully started growing and, if you want, keep track of the places where fruit won't grow with a pattern or something.

Also, your town can only have a maximum of 400 trees...if you have 400 trees, that might be the reason they aren't growing. Another reason might be this: In order for a tree to grow, there has to be diggable dirt surrounding it on all sides. Make sure there is. And if you're trying to plant a grove by planting tons of trees, all right next to each other, they'll all die. That's a mistake I made once in WW.
Okay, thanks for the info. It's probably the 400 trees thing im getting close to. I just cleared a couple from an area then planted 3 rows of 3 trees each, and some are up to 6 now.
I guess i got some chopping to do!
tbOwnage said:
The organes are growing fone next to the pears.
Well as long as you planted your organs correctly, of course they'll grow telephones. What were you expecting? Toasters?
dont you need empty spaces all around those threes? not just on the sides like the diagram
Bazzel said:
Try chopping down a regular tree (you know without fruit) and plant it at the exact same spot. This might work!
I use this technique for my fruit orchard, and it worked 100% of the time. I swear!!!!