Profile edits: Avatars/Signatures/etc.

Made my own signature. Took forever trying to figure out how to do this, but it was so worth it.
It looks really grainy.

That may be the gif underneath, its stars and the northern lights. It might not be perfect but for a first attempt at that kind of thing, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
I like your signature a lot, Lois! Oh! You should check out or a similar website, you can get a really nifty font to use on it for next time. How difficult would you say this try was?

M signature sucks..I plan on editing it soon and I want a signature with the cool little anime girl and villagers but..These people who know how to make them say "hmmm 500,000 bells deal or no" And Im all like \ ._. / So yeah..
I need a new signature..
So I made this sig, but when I try uploading it comes out blurry, what do I do?

I would use imgur, upload the image and insert it into your signature as

M signature sucks..I plan on editing it soon and I want a signature with the cool little anime girl and villagers but..These people who know how to make them say "hmmm 500,000 bells deal or no" And Im all like \ ._. / So yeah..
I need a new signature..

I'd recommend you to buy a signature from pengutango (click here). She has a shop and is super. You can use your TBT to buy one. I'm guessing the chibi you're talking about may be this one (click)?? If it is, simply make + save and upload for use whenever~
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Gracelia: [strike]It still looks a bit blurry to me. The quality on this site seems lower than on the image hosting site.[/strike] Oops! I forgot my screen is magnified, because I'm as blind as a bat, so it changes the images. Anyways, thanks for your help.
How does this look?
