Please refrain from using such negative comments on my (and mainly others) artwork. Yes, I did ask for critiques, however, I mentioned that I am inexperienced with using MS Paint; in addition, I did say that it will be updated later on. Because I am inexperienced, I don't want others expecting it to be the best. Art is all about learning from your mistakes.
Everyone on this thread came here to exchange fair comments about improving their art. If you think there is something that I need to change about mine, please do so by offering encouragement and advice (example: "It's great for a beginner, but your shading could have some better work."). By inspecting my post count, one can notice that I am rather busy in my life and that I do not have the time to hire others just to create my Avatars, Signatures, art, etc. I hope you understand, and I apologize for any misunderstanding or offense taken.