To get a bit personal here, as someone who was raised around hard drugs and witnessed their effects beginning from early childhood, to compare marijuana to drugs like heroin or cocaine is a bit outlandish. While not a regular user myself, I know many people who use pot on a daily basis and are still able to maintain jobs, relationships, parent their children, and generally live productive lives despite their usage. Heroin is… an entirely different demon.
Speaking as someone who cares deeply about the safety of the forum and its members, I see very little risk in someone mentioning casual marijuana usage in the context of their gaming experience. The widespread legalization of pot is an inevitability at this point, and while we do strive to maintain a family-friendly environment here, I don't see the mere mention of marijuana usage to be outside of this, and certainly not in the same vein as pornography or self-harm as I’ve seen mentioned. Of course we'd step in if someone posted a "hey kids, want to try some drugs?"-esque thread, but I don't think I need to point out that there's a large difference between that and the thread that prompted this discussion in the first place.
While we welcome all members 13 years of age or older, TBT is far from a "kid's forum" as it's been called. Yes, Animal Crossing is an E-rated game, but that doesn’t mean we're going to (nor should!) moderate anything that you wouldn’t see in the game itself. I’d also like to point out that users over the age of 18 far outnumber our younger (17 and under) users, by over 40x. This isn’t to say that I feel we should open the floodgates and have zero rules regarding prohibited content, but I believe the rules we have in place now are a happy medium and see no reason to outlaw any and all mention of marijuana.
This is a perfect response. I applaud you.