*arises from the undead
omg I neglected this for so long I didn't even realize where did the time ago ahhh so sorry
finally I have holidays *takes deep breath
Trying to tell my daughter she needs to get on your list to take part in watching these! Buuuut...she's 13...need I say more? She knows everything. LOL
ahh please don't force her, if she doesn't want to then that's perfectly fine ^^
NO LOL. I can't string a correct sentence other then "ich bin Evvie" lmaoooo
plus I can't pronounce
And YASSS I have a friend who might find that useful if she doesn't get a tablet for Christmas!!!
okay then I will add drawing without tablet to the lessons too
aw, thanks! I'm definitely better than the old freeb, though lol :]
You're totally a pro! <3 Yamio's pretty good but you're still a pro! And I'll definitely check her out, thank you.
btw the program I downloaded that's "kinda like" SAI, is FireAlpaca
As much as I'd like to get a free copy of SAI, I'm uber lazy so I don't feel like hunting it down. Pretty sure FireAlpaca's simpler to understand, too.
lol ;]
yes that's for sure!
nahh I'm really not a pro though. I never used firealpaca so I'm not sure if it will work but feel free to pass by anyways!
sometimes I wonder what an european hybrid like me does on an english animal crossing forum lol
well i've been on a german ac forum before I came here but that one was so bad... tbt da best yooo xD
Lovely idea! I'd be interested in helping out
Maybe alongside streams there could be lessons where people post what they want to learn about most and it can be covered in a real time drawing video with detailed annotations/voiceovers.
Thank you so much for your offer but how exactly do you plan to help out?
I appreciate your thoughts but I don't intend to make a tutorial. if anybody looks for those, Youtube has tons of them already and they are way better than anything I could do xD My aim is to make a real time "lesson"! Where people can ask and I can answer and show directly and "test" the people afterwards with a reverse stream if that makes sense^^ a video won't do for this unfortunately and I am unable to make voice overs because I dont have a microphone, besides my english is total crap T_T
mmhmm, that's what I was thinking. Maybe record the streams, add some voiceover, and post it on youtube too for those who can't make the stream.
oh well I guess I could record the streams, but I won't be able to do the voiceover. Instead I could probably add undertitles? but I've never edited a video before so I don't know how to do it ;-;
you seriously are so talented and i am sooooo prouuuuud of you <3333 i don't use sai much so i have much to learn still *v*
EHHHHH you overestimate me rip thank you so much sv T_T hearing that from a genius like you means a lot!!!
but is there a need for you to use Sai? you use photoshop already and that's better than Sai, isn't it? ;O;
or don't tell me you want to master every program out there? ;OO;
why not have multiple sessions led by different artists? ;v;
Everyone has different styles/ways of lining/coloring/anatomy and so on -
It seems super complicated but what if there's a schedule/ sign up sheet where people can sign up for lessons at certain times for a certain uh subject taught by a certain artist? (So it's more selective and personal?) - as some artists use different programs and such
As others said - record the stream and do a voice over for those who can't attend
//its like applying for school classes lmao
might as well start an online art school
that would probably super amazing but I'm afraid I don't have the time and organization skills to organize such a huge project ;-;
i barely keep track of this thread already R.I.P.
if anybody else would like to volunteer to organize such a thing I would be very thankful!!
Wow this would be a pretty big project then o: I don't really mind but idk how many people would have the time necessary to organize multiple lessons to stream, record, and voiceover. I think there's no real need for separate lessons, since this is set of general drawing tutorials, and not "how to imitate so-and-so's style"
yes i unfortuntely really do not have the time for all this. I already struggle with this thread, my art to do list and school so that's something i cannot do, sorry everyone ;-;
besides I already stalked many popular artists ways of drawing so my art style is a big mixture hahahah
guess you can see that from the fact that my art always ends up looking so different
Hope you don't mind me suddenly popping by aaaaa (I've been stalking this thread for a while hahaa)
since riummi mentioned something about more artists joining in, I was thinking that you might want to have a look at Project redline on gaia?
Basically, a platform for artists to connect - ask for advice, redlines, stream for learning, etc. Since it's mostly just artists signing up and putting their contact info on the thread, everything else is then facilitated by the participating artists themselves, so the project pretty much runs by itself and wouldn't take too much of a toll on the founder/OP ^ ^
JINTTT I love it when you pop up so feel free to do it more often xD
thank you so much for help and I took a look but if I have to be honest... there's soo much to read and I'm too lazy to do that, lol. I'm sorry I'm a bad person.
I didn't really plan to "expand" to other websites and strangers. Rather, I wanted it to be a Belltree project if that makes sense...
but of course, if anybody else is interested in getting advice from artists from this gaia project, why not? As you said, they can sign up and leave their contact info there, right? Then I don't really know what I should do, everyone can ask for a stream there themselves, or did I misunderstood? ;O;
Any dates selected? I am really looking forward to this!
not yet sorry but as soon as I decided I will sent pm's to the people who showed interest in participating
I think this is really cool of you to do!
I can't seem to find many people that do teaching streams so I think it's an awesome idea!
thank you!!
Hmm, I don't know when the stream here is coming, but...
If anyone would be interested, I am planning to color a sketch soon. I could stream it if anyone wants me to. Though, I am not good at explaining so it'd be just watching me color it. D: But since so many people here seem interested and I see no answer from the original poster, maybe I can help in some way...
sorry I have been busy so I was inactive for a few weeks.
This project is still in organization so there are no set dates yet, but they will be around new year, I think. The exact dates will be pm'd to the participants and announced here as soon as they are set!
Since you said that you would only stream without teaching, it wouldn't really fit in this teaching project but feel free to make a streaming thread for your art, I'm sure many people would like to watch!
I'd be very interested to learn and watch! :,D
This is a terrific idea /clap4u !!!
sure thank you for your interest!!