okay I'm scared because I can't find a video file in my /videos folder and also not in the OBS (the streaming software) folder... where else could it be...?
you could check the OBS settings to where recorded videos are saved in your computer maybe?
okay I'm scared because I can't find a video file in my /videos folder and also not in the OBS (the streaming software) folder... where else could it be...?
you could check the OBS settings to where recorded videos are saved in your computer maybe?
ahh I found it thanks!!
But the video is a .flv type and I can't seem to open/play it? ; o ;
it opens via windows movie maker but it says the file is damaged
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oh i can't open it but youtube seems to be able to upload it anyways! it says 15 min remaining ;o;
but anyways I just realized, it would be +4 hours long, can youtube even upload something this big? lol
don't I need to cut it down in parts or something?
I'm lost, where will you stream this? :<
I'm lost, where will you stream this? :<
you can definitely edit it in the windows movie maker I believe
if you don't want to upload it raw
but that's also if you want to edit some scenes out or add in like a intro etc c:
but I really can't open it in windows movie maker. It keeps saying the file is damaged or can't be read by it and I don't have any other device to play the video *noob*
Oh no .___. hm.. might have to do some research on this now
do you think there might have been an issue during the recording maybe?
not that I would know ;o;
well I'll just try to verify my yt account now with my mobile phone and lets hope it will work ^^
could someone be so nice to check if the video works? thank you.
omg! you made it work yessss
I'm viewing it right now and definitely loving it!! <3 thank you so much for your hard work Kei!!!
it's okay, thank you too for being so nice and having accompanied mee!!![]()
no way you're the real mvp here ; w;
seriously helping us out more like hehe <3
Link? ;o;