Proper Grammar

I care very much about using proper grammar myself. I try to proofread all my posts and if I catch a mistake later, I will edit it just for a simple misspelling or anything. I also use proper spelling and grammar in texts. It just bothers me too much if I don't.

Improper usage stands out to me in other people's posts, but I don't let it bother me unless it's completely unreadable. I know that English isn't everyone's first language and people here are from all different age groups and backgrounds. They can do whatever they like and I won't judge them.
“i herd u went 2 da store n bought drinkz n food”

that physically pained me to read LOL. proper grammar is definitely important to me but i don’t penalize anyone for improper grammar or spelling, even if it’s like the above example aha. however, consistent improper grammar and/or spelling would absolutely be a dealbreaker if it was coming from someone i’m interested in. mistakes happen but “i herd u went 2 da store” is just,, a massive no from me LOL. or even worse, if they capitalize every word that they say (ex. “Hey, How Are You?) 😷. as for me, i definitely make grammar and spelling mistakes of my own but i’m always doing my best to learn and correct any errors that i make hence why i constantly reread anything that i type over and over again. >_<
or even worse, if they capitalize every word that they say (ex. “Hey, How Are You?) 😷.
I used to capitalize every word for some reason many, many years ago. It was on YouTube where I used to be very active. I cringe, looking back at it...
Dont care. I dont think i would be friends with someone who is strict on proper grammar. A few years ago i came across one of my online childhood friends after quite some time apart and he was like "Why aren't you using proper grammar? It's unintelligent." ok bud... I have my own typing quirks and some of my friends do too.
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English is my second language, and up until a couple of years ago, once I became OK at English I wrote properly, mostly because I mainly learned English from reading books, and took pride in being good at English assignments and using big boy words and grammar
Interestingly enough, now that English is firmly becoming my dominant language as I try to recover my Spanish, and as I became an active member of a language corpus, I became self-conscious about my English, as I noticed that I sometimes phrased things differently from the way that many native speakers did, whether it be because of Spanish influence or just the way my brain processed things
I'm realizing that this is my way of speaking, and I don't have to compare myself to other people's standards of what is proper. As long as my idea gets across. I firmly believe that language is all about communication, no matter how. And our language reflects how we think. If we all spoke the exact same way, that'd be pretty boring, don't you think?

In other words, now that I'm good at English, I'm bad at English. And I don't 100% follow "proper" grammar because I don't have it memorized anymore since I internalized it, so I follow my own grammar, which works most of the time
I always use proper grammar for usually everything, but I don't mind at all if people use proper or not. I just use it because I'm used to it. Even with texting I am used to writing everything correctly. I don't correct anyone or anything because it really isn't something that bothers me. =)
I try to type proper, but I don't care about other people's spellings. Understanding is more important than following every grammar rule, especially considering how English is many people's second language.
I try to type proper


Sorry, I just had to, it's the perfect thread for it. I do enjoy a good bit of irony.

I like to write with good grammar but I'm by no means the type to jump down someone's throat for not doing the same. Sometimes I can't be particularly bothered to care, it's more of a force of habit than a must for me. Just my typing style. However, if I am in a workplace or any sort of professional setting then yes, it greatly bothers me when my peers don't use proper grammar.
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it greatly bothers me when my peers don't use proper grammar.

As an adverb yes, but my sentence was replying to the statement "proper grammar", so the "grammar" was implied in my sentence. "I type proper (grammar)", though I suppose type with proper grammar would have made that more clearer. Language is made up anyway. :)
If I'm texting my partner or sibling I'll substitute are for 'r' and you for 'u' sometimes and I use abbreviations sorry - acronyms like 'wtf' and stuff - old habit from being a teenager in the days of MSN messenger and texting on phones that didn't have a touch screen.

The 'where', 'were' and 'we're', 'your' and 'you're' and 'they're', 'there' and 'their' mistakes bug me because it changes the entire meaning of a sentence or simply doesn't make sense. I'm not the type of person to obnoxiously point out other's grammatical errors though - I just figure out what they mean and move on. I've written enough thesis' to have good grammar drilled into me (don't miss that one bit), and I have to contact people in a professional manner for work so whenever I'm on the pc I tend to follow grammatical rules.

So to answer - it's important that I use it when in a professional capacity - but elsewhere I don't find it that important.
i don't care at all how ppl choose to express themselves online, power to u if u wanna use propper grammar but i wont think more (or less) of u, and if u wanna disregard it completely then thats fine too!!!!

my grammar online is pretty bad, not rly bad spelling so much, but i will shorten words a lot lol for convenience, in my defence i type a lot for my job so for me to keep that up outside of working hours is kinda impossible
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My grammar definitely isn't PERFECT, like sometimes I'll miss punctuation and use a ton of exclamation marks as well as use abbreviations (especially while texting), but I absolutely make sure to use the right your and you're, as well as Not Tipeing Like Im A 7 Year Old On There Moms Youtube Acount .
I don’t personally care too much.
I try my best, but sometimes slip.

I don’t mind if someone uses run- on sentences or things like that.

What I don’t like is too many abbreviations.
proper grammar is overrated in casual online conversations. my elementary/middle school use to teach it like it was the most important thing in the world, and would look down on those who did not use proper grammar. but honestly, although writing well is important in professional settings, its not necessary in a post like this. I think also its incredibly stupid when people bring it up as a point in an online argument. like who tf cares if you said "your" instead of "you're" lmao
As long as it's readable, I don't care. However if you are hand writing something, it does bother me if effort (not perfection) wasn't put in to try to have proper Grammer. With hand writing you don't have a tiny keyboard with fat fingers or auto changing words or accidental deletion of words. Hand writing is slower so your mind should also not be as rushed while trying to communicate.
Not sure anyone really hand writes much now anyway.
Proper grammar is very important to me. I am always learning but I try my best. If you find that I edited a post...most often it is because I fixed grammar or spelling mistakes!
i don't really care. i used to be stuck up about it but now i couldn't care more lol. honestly as long as it's readable, i don't mind. also as long as we aren't in a professional setting like school or work, etc.
I would say, I don’t mind if people use improper grammar, but I find myself using proper grammar a lot. I think it’s actually a byproduct of me passively practicing it.

I used to, and still sometimes struggle getting my thoughts out articulately in spoken words. Like not being able to pick the right words and stumbling on some words. As a result, I think basically everytime I had to speak, I would be passively practicing improving my articulation. I noticed this problem, because a lot of my high school classes were seminar based and required participation for a grade. If I was stumbling on my speech or unable to get my words out, I wouldn’t be able to get the grade that I wanted. I think I also just felt embarrassed when my words wouldn’t come out the way I wanted them to.

I would say now, in casual conversations, I still see the remnants of all that passive practicing. Sometimes people even tease me a little for speaking too properly, but I feel like I can’t really help it now.
i sincerely do not care and i don't vibe with people who do. it shouldn't matter so long as you can still read whatever is said alright.
it doesn’t matter to me as long as i can read and understand what you’re saying. i have many friends who aren’t native english speakers, so i’m used to reading things that aren’t grammatically perfect. i’ll spell things incorrectly to joke around or whatever, and i don’t always go back and correct things that i mistype.