Lurking for Barold. Thank you.
I will take Flurry if I can get on early enough tomorrow! I'm also PST time zone, will try to get on around the time you start cycling. How long can you hold her for?
It's 7:45am PST, and I must head out soon (to work). If you have not obtain Flurry elsewhere during the day,
we can trade later this evening, on/after 7:30PM PST.
I'm not in a big hurry to cycle, so I can hold her for another day or two, if necessary.
Let me know if that would be ok?
Thank you! C:
That would be wonderful! I need some time to adopt out Whitney (I don't want to void her) and also skip ahead a day to make sure that I didn't pick up anyone from the void. Wouldn't want to risk Flurry not moving in for any reason! Hopefully it won't take more than a day... Can I tentatively schedule to pick her up tomorrow around 8 pm? If there are any changes/delays I will let you know right away! ^-^
(Sorry for my late reply - just came back home)
Tomorrow (Wednesday) night sounds good!
I'm holding Cherry for a friend in my other cycling town anyway XD
Thanks for waiting for Flurry! See you tomorrow night 8pm-ish then. *waves*
Thank you! <3 <3I wish I could take her, but I'm full. ;n;
Hope she's finds a good home!
Oh! I would love to take Flurry! She's my ultimate dreamy! >////<
Thank you! <3 <3
Wonderful! Please add Tamago's FC as seen in OP, and send the 150 BTB?
I'll add you now and open the gates in a few mins.
Thank you & see you at the station! C: