Trying to find these things is ridiculous! I keep checking target,bestbuy.gamestop and walmart with no luck. Walmart only has 3rd party listings, bestbuy has said out of stock since pre orders were up,no listing for any cards on gamestop(but they do have some cool ac merch) and target has the listing but can't buy online and no stores have them in stock. I'm not sure I trust their site to be accurate on that though. I still believe nintendo is working with the scalpers(or hiring their own bot makers more likely). Nintendo sells the cards for 5-6 bucks a pack in stores but the scalpers are getting easily 4x times that amount for them. No one is going to pay that much to buy them from stores but many will pay that to scalpers when they have no other options. I can't believe nintendo would be ok with them making all that money off their product while they make so little. So they have two choices. Either flood the market with them which would make them easily accessible to fans and thus put the scalpers out of business or keep with the limited amount and let the scalpers grab them up and make huge profits with them. Seems obvious to me which path they chose.