put your points across to nintendo re animal crossing 3ds


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2009
Throwback Tickets
Ok so there have been previews for the new animal crossing game animal crossing 3ds.

Well what I am going to do is send a big letter to Nintendo. But what I want you to do is post things here then I will include every single comment/question or what ever else in this letter to Nintendo

Please no spam

Once you post something here I will edit the first post and put you comment on so I remember what to put on.

You have until the 31st July to post what you want. On the 31st July I will make the letter to nintendo including everything.

So what ever you have wanted to know about this new game post here and have your questions answerd by nintendo!

I will post the letter I'm sending to nintendo on here and I will also post the reply.


What people have said:
They're just going to reply with a pre-written message so this is probably useless. You're better off asking Video Game sites, such as IGN.
spoiler: nintendo's not gonna change the game due to us D:

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>it'll never work</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">I would suggest that nintendo branch out from the already-established animal crossing goals/guidelines, and introduce a few new gameplay elements, all that are completely seamless in the current town-style.

the mayor idea is great, and I'm sure that there's plenty of ideas about what to do with this new addition already. may I suggest the ability to have town-spanning events, such as you and a few other animals (which you choose) would be able to visit another friend's town, or the city, and enjoy the event together.

mainly, the biggest addition nintendo could add is dialogue, and lots of it. context-sensitive dialogue, that changes as you change your town, or new people are introduced. this kind of thing already exists, with villagers asking your opinion of certain villagers, but the end result of your answer has never really mattered, other than to increase your friendship with the villager. what if there were events that were randomly generated, that were affected by what your decisions were with villagers?

this has been done with villagers asking you permission to visit your house, but again, the end result is the same. may I suggest trips to the museum with your villagers, a flower/tree planting-event, a storyline arc where your villagers and you (as the mayor) must work together in order to build places in the city? (light posts, benches, just general buildins/props that could fit around the town) this would be effected by your friendship with the person, and the person's nature, with the nature making the job easier in a specific way. gruff/bodybuilder villagers would give head-starts to the building process, while more girly/weaker natures would/could either aid, albeit less than the muscular villaers, or give encouragement, which makes the job easier (some real gameplay would help, even mashing buttons, etc) for all the villagers.

the ability to change your landscape would be a great addition, and a good candidate for this job would be resetti/his brother, in my opinion. they do have the hard-hats, and are moles, y'know :p

you would have to obviously pay money, which would probably be a lucrative amount, and would/could be something to strive for, even after you pay off the complete house/mansion's mortgage. being able to choose where you build your bridge, and if you want more than the pre-set amount would be a godsend for those who have a poorly placed river. and for that matter, reconstructing your river as you see fit would give those people an even better option.

Though the game is more or less about dealing with life, and being able to pick and choose what your town looks like takes away from that, the steep price (I'd be guessing multiple millions for something like river replacement/other huge renovations) along with mr resetti in general, will give the players enough incentive not to do so, or to at least give it sense of realism (as landscaping isn't cheap irl, either)</div>

just ideas that won't be added, but eh.
You see, Nintendo doesn't answer your questions, they reply with "While we can't assure anything, keep checking back to see what Nintendo has in store!"
Guys, it will never work. Not because Nintendo doesn't want to listen to us, but because they can't use our ideas. It would create a huge legal mess if they did, and then the person who gave them the idea decided to say "hey, that was my idea, and you stole it!", or something like that.

Plus, if you were going to try and contact Nintendo with ideas for the game, it would have to be written in Japanese and sent to their main branch in Japan, otherwise it wouldn't get anywhere. Animal Crossing, along with most of Nintendo's games, are made by Nintendo in Japan, not America or Europe.
Tyeforce said:
Guys, it will never work. Not because Nintendo doesn't want to listen to us, but because they can't use our ideas. It would create a huge legal mess if they did, and then the person who gave them the idea decided to say "hey, that was my idea, and you stole it!"
I don't get that part, if people want a good game, no one is going to be stupid enough to sue them, Nintendo's policy this way is outrageous.

EDIT: I personally would be happy that a developer used mine and other people's ideas.
If they listened to their fans, they could create Perfect games everytime.
JasonBurrows said:
Tyeforce said:
Guys, it will never work. Not because Nintendo doesn't want to listen to us, but because they can't use our ideas. It would create a huge legal mess if they did, and then the person who gave them the idea decided to say "hey, that was my idea, and you stole it!"
I don't get that part, if people want a good game, no one is going to be stupid enough to sue them, Nintendo's policy this way is outrageous.

EDIT: I personally would be happy that a developer used mine and other people's ideas.
If they listened to their fans, they could create Perfect games everytime.
seconded. there's probably some kind of legal paperwork they could whip up that would/could protect them, if they wanted to go through the hassle of doing so, but eh.

what about NoA? the message couldn't be sent to them, and then forwarded/translated to the fat cats at NoJ or whatever it's called?
Yeah, it would have to be sent to the main branch in Japan, and then they'd still reply with an automated message-- "CHING JAPAN CHONG YO."