Putting aside how you feel about the music, which hourly song do you think will be iconic for NH and why?

Probably 5PM for me as well. It’s also my favorite hourly music for NH, but even putting that aside I think it just has what it takes to be iconic compared to the others. I’ve heard a good number of people say they don’t like the 5PM hourly music and I’m really not sure why to be honest.
I don't like it, but 2 PM is the one I remember the best. When I played the game regularly, that was when I usually had the most time.

The main theme is the one that will stick with me the most though. The rest isn't very memorable to me and within a year or more of not playing this game I won't recognize them so easily.

What's wrong with 2pm?
Its not the best song of the game but its far from the worst either.
Probably that it's very repetitive and sounds like it's supposed to go on, but it has these strange and off-putting abrupt stops. It also reminds me of Home Movies.
Honestly I hate 5pm it sucks imo. I hate it so much I usually mute my game if I play in the afternoon lol.

The best song is 3am.
Honestly I hate 5pm it sucks imo. I hate it so much I usually mute my game if I play in the afternoon lol.

The best song is 3am.
I wouldn't say I hate it so much that I mute the game, but it just doesn't fit with AC. It's not bad music, just not the right type for this genre. It's like trying to be hip and swag. The member here, Jez, actually made an awesome remake of 5PM and if I could, I would replace it with original 5PM.
For me it’s 3pm. I don’t even really ever play at 3pm because I’m working, but that one gets stuck in my head all the time. It’s really catchy, has memorable horns, and it’s just ~chill vibes~.
I love the 6:00 PM twilight music. It's so lovely and relaxing.

I agree that 5:00 PM is kind of iconic but it's not my favorite. 8:00 AM is also music that I frequently hear but I don't love it as much as the 5:00, 6:00, or 7:00 AM tracks.
All I know is that 5am is my favorite cause it's so calming and smoothing compare to the rest but I also don't get to hear it that often.
i agree with everyone saying 5pm is the most iconic, but i think 3am is the most infamous one just because of how many people either love it or hate it (i personally love it). the whole soundtrack is a bit disappointing overall but at least there's a few songs that stand out
5pm and 3am stand out to me (and that's why they're my favorite in all honesty). 3am especially recaptures the weirdness that was in the older game's soundtrack. My votes on sexy tune and insomniac tune.
5pm is likely the one people will remember (personally i don't get the love for it), 5am is so much nicer imo
I think 12pm is most iconic. I think it captures the island vibes the best, which I think is what makes it representative of New Horizons. 5pm is a close second.
2AM and 5AM are my votes. 2AM just for the pure quirkiness of it, and 5AM because I feel like it really nails down the island paradise vibe so well.
For me personally, 8am is my favourite [there's a great acoustic guitar version of this on YT]. 5am is great too, and 3am is just so unique and so unlike an AC track that it stands out ...

As for becoming iconic, that's harder to judge ... It's like trying to tell people which villagers to like and are 'popular' and which aren't ... Taste is subjective. The main themes usually become 'iconic', and maybe the 'tutorial' music might become iconic, simply because you only get to hear it for a relatively short time. I can see 9am becoming iconic, it's typically AC and particularly tuneful ...

There's a difference, though, between good and popular. Again, it's subjective. Opinions are based on majortity rather than merit a lot of the time ...
I think 12pm. I hear it often in the content trailers, for example it's in the Sanrio one and I think it may be in the one where they revealed new hairstyles? Might've been the Turkey Day trailer, completely forgot haha