Question about payed art commissions.


❀੯ू❛ัू &#379
Sep 23, 2014
3 Envelopes
Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day!

I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post a thread about this but I thought the talented artists of Bell Tree Forums may be able to help me. I'll gladly move it if needed. :)

So, my best friend in the entire world decided to quit her job for the summer and instead get payed for babysitting her sisters over the summer. In all honsetly, I believe she won't earn very much as she would if she got a job somewhere in her town but I can understand and respect her reasoning to choose this over a summer job at like a store or something.

Anyways, she also wants to start doing payed art commissions online in order to earn a little extra money on top of what she earns from babysitting. However neither of us know where she should start.

Is there certain sites that she should be posting her art too? Other then DeviantArt (she already has one)
How should she advertise her artwork?
What should she base her prices off of? Time spent on it, quality, both?

I'll post some examples of her art once she sends me the file. :)

Thank you very much in advance.
Tumblr, dA, and Gaia Online are 3 sites that come to mind for commission.

She could also try out