Question about TBT and IGB


Creative Gardener
Jun 9, 2015
Hi, i'm pretty new to the forums and though i've done some trading already with both TBT and IGB I have a question. Is there an average value conversion between the two currencies? Like how much IGB is one TBT generally considered to be worth? Also is it allowed to trade TBT for IGB and where would one post/look for trades like that if it is allowed?
1 tbt is 100,000igb

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And it's aloud to trade tbt for Igb and vise versa
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100 TBT goes for about 20m IGB. Some people don't want to spend alot of time at a town so they go 15m every 100 TBT. Its roughly about 200k per 1 TBT. And yes, it is allowed. Make a thread in the marketplace or look for an existing thread where somebody is looking/selling IGB for TBT bells.
Usually 100tbt is 20mil IGB.

It is allowed to trade on these forums, and you can usually find threads like those in the TBT marketplace, or in certain shops also in the TBT Marketplace.