Does anyone know if it's at all possible to get a campsite visitor who has lived on your island before? I know that the campsite excludes villagers you've encountered before normally, but the wiki says that if the campsite rolls for a personality you're missing, and you have already encountered every villager of that personality, then it will pick one without any exclusions. But can anyone CONFIRM that you can get a previous resident as a camper again, if you've seen every villager of their personality?
So, story time: I've been hunting for Raymond using the campsite method for the last week or so, because I don't have hundreds of NMTs to spend looking for him on an island. I really wanted to find him on my own instead of getting him from someone else, so I wouldn't run the risk of him having been given weird clothing or furniture. It was going well at first, I had every personality except smug and was getting smug campers about 50% of the time, but eventually I had come across every single smug villager EXCEPT Raymond. I thought for sure the next one would be Raymond, but it was a repeat (Chops again). I assumed he had to be in my move-in queue. I moved a villager out, and sure enough, Raymond bought the plot.
Only problem: he was from an island with a pretty inappropriate name (pen island) and had been given a hideous hot dog costume, as well as a bunch of furniture and bugs that completely ruined his house interior. I was DEVASTATED. So I gave him away and decided to try again.
I've been through 85 campers since then, and I've seen most of the smug villagers again at this point, but not any of the 4 (Julian, Shep, Zell and Raymond) that have previously lived on my island. Am I just horribly unlucky? Or does the campsite continue to exclude former residents even if you've seen every villager of that personality type? I'd really like to know if I'm wasting my time or not. x_x
So, story time: I've been hunting for Raymond using the campsite method for the last week or so, because I don't have hundreds of NMTs to spend looking for him on an island. I really wanted to find him on my own instead of getting him from someone else, so I wouldn't run the risk of him having been given weird clothing or furniture. It was going well at first, I had every personality except smug and was getting smug campers about 50% of the time, but eventually I had come across every single smug villager EXCEPT Raymond. I thought for sure the next one would be Raymond, but it was a repeat (Chops again). I assumed he had to be in my move-in queue. I moved a villager out, and sure enough, Raymond bought the plot.
Only problem: he was from an island with a pretty inappropriate name (pen island) and had been given a hideous hot dog costume, as well as a bunch of furniture and bugs that completely ruined his house interior. I was DEVASTATED. So I gave him away and decided to try again.
I've been through 85 campers since then, and I've seen most of the smug villagers again at this point, but not any of the 4 (Julian, Shep, Zell and Raymond) that have previously lived on my island. Am I just horribly unlucky? Or does the campsite continue to exclude former residents even if you've seen every villager of that personality type? I'd really like to know if I'm wasting my time or not. x_x