Question about Voided Villagers


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2020
Camp Bell Tree 2021 Patch
Hey! I just have a quick question about villager voiding. If I kick a villager out with an amiibo card, will they still be voided? I know they don’t pack up like they normally do, so my guess is no, but I wanna make sure.
they do, i'm constsntly kicking out villagers with an amiibo and they always appear on my sister's island
Oof, that’s unfortunate. At least I rarely play online 😅 does anyone know if there’s a way to avoid this, or at least clear my void reliably? Just in case I do end up visiting anyone.
Oof, that’s unfortunate. At least I rarely play online 😅 does anyone know if there’s a way to avoid this, or at least clear my void reliably? Just in case I do end up visiting anyone.
i think the only way to clear ur void is to visit someone or have someone visit u, but there's a chance u will pick up voided villagers too
i think the only way to clear ur void is to visit someone or have someone visit u, but there's a chance u will pick up voided villagers too

Void is a terrible term to use for NH. There's a move in queue and and move out queue. Move out queue are villagers that left your island that didn't get adopted by another player. Other players can pick up these villagers and have them put into their move in queue if their move in queue isn't full. You can have up to 4 villagers in your move in queue and the only way to clear this move in queue is to let them all move in which is a long and tiring process that I've done.
Void is a terrible term to use for NH. There's a move in queue and and move out queue. Move out queue are villagers that left your island that didn't get adopted by another player. Other players can pick up these villagers and have them put into their move in queue if their move in queue isn't full. You can have up to 4 villagers in your move in queue and the only way to clear this move in queue is to let them all move in which is a long and tiring process that I've done.

This is a healthier way of looking at it for sure. I regularly see people say they don't want a villager to get voided, almost like there is a guilt for sending a villager to the void.
Anyone who plays online probably already knows the risks of picking up villagers from other islands so I wouldn't worry about it too much. In New Leaf it was more of a concern because we didn't have other ways to get villagers like through Nook Mile Islands.
Hey! I just have a quick question about villager voiding. If I kick a villager out with an amiibo card, will they still be voided? I know they don’t pack up like they normally do, so my guess is no, but I wanna make sure.

When you say "they don't pack up" do you mean they don't go in boxes? I've used dozens of amiibos and the villager being kicked out will always go in boxes.

Thanks to owning 2 Switches/games I can answer your question. Yes they are voided. My second Switch ended up getting one of the villagers I kicked out via Amiibo from the void.
When you say "they don't pack up" do you mean they don't go in boxes? I've used dozens of amiibos and the villager being kicked out will always go in boxes.

Thanks to owning 2 Switches/games I can answer your question. Yes they are voided. My second Switch ended up getting one of the villagers I kicked out via Amiibo from the void.
Oh crap they do? I assumed it was the same as in New Leaf where they just kinda disappeared over night! Okay, that’s a bit better- I can at least try to adopt them out this way!
Oh crap they do? I assumed it was the same as in New Leaf where they just kinda disappeared over night! Okay, that’s a bit better- I can at least try to adopt them out this way!

I believe even in New Leaf they go in boxes. I gave away Marshal a couple weeks ago in New Leaf using an Amiibo to kick him out. Like New Horizons they will instantly move to boxes and be gone the next day.
Is the move-in queue random for me? Cause I have been hunting for a villager for like 1,000 tickets and I’m guessing they might be in the move-in queue
Is the move-in queue random for me? Cause I have been hunting for a villager for like 1,000 tickets and I’m guessing they might be in the move-in queue
Only if a friend you visited recently voided said villager - which means they moved out and nobody picked them up. If they’re aren’t any villagers lurking in the void, there’s a small chance Tom Nook will sell them a plot, but out of the 400 something villagers that’s a small chance.