Rock (ghost): Kuma, they probably didn't realise that you as a cookie was alive.
Kuma (ghost): But I am alive.
Rock (ghost): No your not, you're a ghost so you can't be alive.
Kuma (ghost): Wait a second... Are you stalling me?! *Notices Sora and Rover running* I'm going to get revenge!!!
Kuma (ghost):Oh no you don't!
Josie (me!!): Kuma stop!
Kuma (ghost): Why should I?! They threw me in a volcano!
Josie: Yeah but they didn't know that you were alive because what do you expect? You look like a cookie!
*Portal immediately closes after Rover and Sora jump in*
Kuma (ghost): NOOO!!!
Josie: Kuma it's all right now they didn't know and they said they were sorry.
Kuma (ghost): *Snivers slightly* No they didn't doofus they said "oh we didn't know" and then disappeared.
Josie: Well where ever they went at least they're sorry.
Kuma (ghost): They killed me Josie! How could they be not sorry?!
Josie: *Shrugs* Wait... Wasn't Rock with you ten minutes ago?
Kuma (ghost): Yeah...
Josie: Then where is he now?
Rock (ghost): *Looks around for something unfamiliar* Wait a second... *Notices the white chocolate wrapped with plastic at his feet* Oh baby! I've been looking for you! *Picks up the chocolate and unwraps the plastic on it to eat the chocolate*
Rover and Sora: Sup man. What're you eating?
Rock (ghost): White chocolate...
A new story begins in... Italy...
Starring Kuma... Josie... Rock... Sora (maybe)... And Lovemcqueen...
Josie and Lovemcqueen is currently walking in the rainy city we call, Rome.
7 Sora: It means I'm hijacking this story!
*Grabs note and runs to the nearest ice cream shop*
*Comes back with a tub of chocolate ice cream*
Sora: Want some?
Josie: Why did you take my twenty dollars?! That's all the cash I had left!
Sora: So no icecream?
Josie: *sighs* Give me that! *Snatches the tub back*
Lovemcqueen: How come you only had 20 dollars left?
Josie: Well...
Rover: *Appears behind Josie* I want to join the party now! I hate being excluded! Ooh icecream!
Josie: Ok! Ok! Just let me tell you my story...
Josie: I'll make the story short okay guys. I lost my job, my home, my cash, and, my Kuma.
Lovemcqueen: What?
Sora and Rover: Oh yeah, sorry about that. We didn't know.
Josie: Guys this is different.
Lovemcqueen: Seriously, what's going on? What are you guys talking about?
Josie: Well about a month ago...
Sora: Wait, can I make the flashback noise?
Josie: Fine... As I was saying...
*Sora makes flashback noise*
Josie: At the BellTreeForums Kuma, Rock and I were hanging out together, when suddenly I wanted some cake to eat. So I ran to the shops to get some cake.
Rover: Oh oh I get it now.
Josie: :/
Sora: Continue on.
Josie: Well... *looks at forest* Can we go to the forest first?
Lovemcqueen: But isn't Slender Man in there?
Josie: Don't worry. He'll understand. Now come on you guys.
Rover: Well maybe we can find shelter in there, so we don't have a choice.