quick question about the mailbox add-on ...


07.09 💜
Dec 4, 2015
Final Boss Feather
White Feather
Pink Feather
Green Feather
Blue Feather
does anyone ever buy this ?! I guess I could understand if someone has like 4847393793 tbt saved up... but it seems kinda useless to me. unless I'm missing something about its feature... it just allows more PM's that can be stored right?
Correct, mailbox add-ons expand the number of pm's you can save

Unless you're a mod or someone who gets a million pms a day I find it useless, especially if you have vm's on
Are you talking about the Super Gold Mailbox that costs 2900 TBT? It looks like 85 have been sold. I can't imagine needing to be able to store 1700 PMs. LOL
It's useful for people who are lazy about clearing their inbox. I got the first mailbox expansion on a giveaway and even then it's bothersome having to clear messages every now and then. I got the Gold Mailbox and it's nice to be able to keep PM conversations and not having to clear my inbox every week.

It's useful if you talk with people through PM but otherwise, get the smaller mailbox instead.
i guess its useful to have more PM space for people who make a lot of trades or sell art. they want to keep as many orders as they can organized and not deleted

for people who do trades, if somebody scams them they want to have as much info on the trade for the mods so they should keep PMs
and for people who sell art, someone sends them pictures of what they want drawn, so you could keep that PM with the pictures safe in your PMs i guess

plus a lot of people prefer talking over PM and i can tell you it fills up real quick.

mailbox add-ons are definitely something you should think about investing into, its a useful way to spend tbt
I've noticed it does fill up quickly but I always just delete them all. That makes a lot of sense though for people selling art, or for anyone who just needs to save PM's. thanks everyone ^^
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I keep my inbox super clean. If I need to keep tons of PMs for whatever reason I'd rather just screenshot them and save them on my computer. Yes, I'm that cheap.
I have the super gold mailbox. I use to do TONS of trading on here so my mail would always fill up - so it was worth it for me, in a day I could receive 200+ messages so it would be super annoying to have to delete constantly. if you don't use the pm feature much, then obviously not worth spending the tbt
I just use visitor messages, mostly, but still have to clear out my inbox. It's so annoying that we can't just keep all our messages like with email. I have 20,408 unread emails from Wordpress on my Hotmail account and 805 unread emails from The Bell Tree, despite being fairly new. As for Google Mail... let's not go there.