Giveaway Quick Villager Cycling! Cycling every 15 minutes or so... Currently Moving: NONE

I would like to reserve Camofrog, Drift, Ernerald, Frobert, Henry, Jerimiah, Wart Jr or scoot!

Edit: If you come across Deena or Snake let me know!! I accidentally lost them :(
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has anyone asked for Pietro or Graham yet? if not, can i have him? (either those two) :D

i really need a smug villager
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Can i reserve merengue [: if you ever get her!
Everyone's reservations are reserved above this post! <3 I will start weeding them out after school today! Again, feel free to reserve while I'm at school. I will try to update there! ;3
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Hi, I got Fauna from some1 who was really generous and kind so I will like to remove my reserve for her so some1 else can have her =)
Has anyone reserved Whitney yet if not I would like to! I have no room but I should have some soon.