I'd like to join as an orange member!![]()
Can I join as an orange member?
Adding y'all now!
Also stocked my hoard of perfect fruit for sale so you can eat healthy in-game too!
I'd like to join as an orange member!![]()
Can I join as an orange member?
hello! could i possibly join as peach member please?(it's just hidden atm)
Please move me up to a Peach member c:
Just got it today!
No the teams are so much fun!
Even if I'm not part of one I still like how people have there own little groups and it pushes people who don't have a certain collectible, to go and search for that collectible.
Noo!!! Please don't shut down ; v ; Let haters be haters! Also there's always going to be at least 1 hater no matter what you do. you shouldn't worry about what others say! > v < I believe Team Fruit has a big chance of becoming popular! <3 Especially if the new fruits come out!! There's still a lot of fruits tbt hasn't released yet that's in ACNL! Like Durian, Coconuts, Lychee, etc! You can do it!!! ;//v//; <3
No don't shut it down! This is the only team I am a member of! I went and bought fruit just to be on this team!
Team Popsicle shouldn't be the only team, where's the fun in that? I mean, I don't think there should be like 100 teams, but Team Fruit should definitely be a team. I love fruit.
bump c:
Keep Team Fruit
Can I please be added to the peach category??![]()
ohemgee,dont delete it!
we need healthy food on TBT!
I say keep team fruit, but I would not want a fusion with an unrelated team. No offense to them or anything.