Just because non-inclusivity is the norm in other countries doesn't mean its okay, especially when Nintendo's revenue looks like this:
View attachment 471055
(blue being 2014, magenta being 2021)
Now of course this does not show 2012 and before, but I suspect the previous years have similar patterns, thanks to globalization like
@Rubygame said. They could've added multiple skin tones in the 2016 Welcome Amiibo update, as well.
All I'm saying is that Nintendo's outreach is far greater than Japan, and they should be meeting global expectations if they want to succeed politically and financially as a company.
Yes, Japan is behind, but not that behind. Diversity in gaming has been a hot topic for far longer than the release of New Leaf.
(p.s Ruby don't feel the need to apologize for your English! You write better than me, and English is my native language.)