Giveaway Raffle: Shep the Smug Sheepdog (COMPLETE)


Collector of Wall Clocks
Aug 17, 2013
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
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100% (32) +
He's super cute, but not a dreamie, so it's time for him to go! I believe he's pretty popular so I wanted more people to have a fair chance to get him, instead of just handing him off to the first person who asks. I'll leave this open until 9 pm CST, and then pick a winner using A couple of things:

1.) If you win, please mind my brief list of town rules (found in my sig).

2.) He doesn't have to be your dreamie, but I'd rather that the winner keeps him and enjoys his company for a while instead of selling him off at the first chance he or she gets.

3.) I don't need an essay, but please put more effort into your post than "i'll take him" and nothing else. If I don't sense any sort of enthusiasm from you then I will not enter you in the raffle.

4.) You must be able to take him around the end of the raffle (9 pm CST).

Good luck! Err, hopefully I get at least a few entries for this o.o;

Edit: I've changed the end time for this, because I realized a lot of you are probably at work/school for most of the day.
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I'm shocked no one's responded to this yet. Is Shep not popular anymore?
shep is definitely a dreamie for me. I don't like sheep villagers so shep would be a sort of guardian! i'm also curious to know what's beneath that tuft of hair and would like to investigate him closely. :)
Bump! Less than two hours left, and only one entry so far. If you enter, your odds are looking pretty good right now ;D
I'd like him:3 Hes cute, and I dont have a Smug Villager id like permanatly.. I would definitly keep shep xD
Hey there!
I'd love to take him, if possible. I haven't had a dog in my town, and I've always thought Shep's design is pretty dang cute!
I saw your post on tumblr, I hope I'm not too late. I want to enter for him.
Shep is definitely a Dreamie for me, he's such a cutie!
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Not too late, Drayk. Welcome to the site!

The winner is lollytah. Congratulations, and thanks to everyone for entering! If lollytah can't pick him up in the next hour, Drayk is the runner-up.
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Oh man! Thanks so much!
Okay, I'll add your FC right now and PM you mine.

Edit: Thanks so much!
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