Rainy Sunday, Reflective Sunday, Restful Sunday - Let's Share The Moment


Jan 28, 2020
New Horizons Token
Red Candy
To set the scene, here is what I am currently listening to:
Spotify Link
YouTube Link

I turned to Animal Crossing as a little daily break from life's stresses, which pile up with each decade. I turned to the Bell Tree Forums because I figured such a chill and friendly game would inspire a chill and friendly community (it hasn't disappointed yet).

But there are other small escapes in life I cherish. Cityscapes are night are very much My Thing, so I picked a sixth-floor apartment to see one. The contrast of green plants against wood. The act of slowly pouring hot water over fresh coffee grounds in a V60 or Chemex.

And rain on a Sunday, which I'm currently enjoying very much. It puts me in that reflective mood... you know, the one that feels part nostalgic, even a little bit sad, but also very hopeful and optimistic. The kind of mood that makes me want to get out the fountain pen and write a letter to a friend I haven't spoken with in a long time. It's a very pleasant mood to be in.

So that's what I'm doing - I've got out my pad of Rhodia paper and have been writing a letter. It's to a friend I haven't spoken to in many years but I know we will pick right back up as if it's been no time at all. She lives far away... I could use Facebook or similar but the letter feels better. More considered. Less urgent. It's like writing a journal - a very mindful activity - but also something someone else will read. The physical act of using a pen makes it feel somewhat intimate. Special.

A tangent: I used to be a prolific writer of emails to my friends. I'd write essays about my life, my thoughts, my dreams. The rise of Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp killed it. I've found that when communication becomes so easy, it becomes less necessary, and stops happening all together. What was paragraphs of carefully considered expression becomes a quick "hey, how are you?" and then that's it. I don't need to keep in touch with people anymore because they're right there on the messaging app and so why bother with an email or a letter?

Tomorrow I start a new project for a new company. It was meant to last six weeks, but now it needs doing in two. That's kind of scary, right? But also a little electrifying. There's a mission to do and only this small window to get it done. It won't be easy. But it might be fun?

I don't know if it'll rain next Sunday. I hope it will.
I don't know how I'll feel next Sunday. I hope it's a little like this, but also a little different.

All of this is the long-way round of asking you three questions: Is it raining where you are right now? How do you feel? And what are you doing that best embraces it?

Come share a Rainy Sunday moment with me, new friends. Come share a mood.

And if it isn't raining and if you mood is different, that's fine too; I'd like you to share all the same.
the dawn lights crack through my vertical blinds and hit my face. my circadian rhythm activates and my body begins to awaken to that of the anticipated blissday sunday morning. while i lay there mentally awake, physically my body begins to restart. most notably, my digestive tract now begins its processes. and thus... i feel it. the reason to rush out of my comfy bed and warm thick duvet.
my typical morning poops.

and now im eatin cereal atm

to set the scene, here is what im currently watching:
YouTube Link
the dawn lights crack through my vertical blinds and hit my face. my circadian rhythm activates and my body begins to awaken to that of the anticipated blissday sunday morning. while i lay there mentally awake, physically my body begins to restart. most notably, my digestive tract now begins its processes. and thus... i feel it. the reason to rush out of my comfy bed and warm thick duvet.
my typical morning poops.

and now im eatin cereal atm

to set the scene, here is what im currently watching:
YouTube Link
Morning poops are a treasured time of contemplation and starting the day, yes. There is the turmoil of leaving the safety of the duvet behind, but to get yesterday's food to leave your behind instead is its own reward.

I will have no slander about pomegranates in this thread, however. Your anti-fruit propaganda - intentional or not - just isn't part of the mood.
Every Sunday is hectic af for me cause of work
It's been snowy outside for the last 2-3 days. I'm not a fan of snow so it's been really depressing here. At the moment I need to go to the music hall and practice but I really don't want to go out and even look at the snow T__T

A week or so ago it was around 55F outside and rainy, and it was so lovely. I absolutely love when it rains, especially the heavy rainy season that comes with Spring (hence why it's my favorite season). It's nice to be able to open a window and listen to the rain fall outside while a cool breeze blows in. Luckily it'll only be winter here for about another 5-6 weeks.

I've actually been considering moving somewhere where it's warmer during the Winter months; it's not that I hate cold weather, but I really hate snow and ice. It can be so dangerous, and around here it's so commonplace that even in the most hazardous conditions we're still expected to go out and down whatever we need to do, instead of staying inside our cozy house/dorm and embracing not having to travel in the snow. I have a friend who gets really happy and excited when it snows, but I'm the opposite. I just pray for it to warm up outside a bit so the snow will melt away.
Every Sunday is hectic af for me cause of work
Sorry to hear that! My girlfriend also works Sundays, which is probably why I get the space to make silly contemplative threads on niche forums like this. Which day of the week ends up being your 'sunday', so to speak? How do you spend it?

It's been snowy outside for the last 2-3 days. I'm not a fan of snow so it's been really depressing here. At the moment I need to go to the music hall and practice but I really don't want to go out and even look at the snow T__T
We get such infrequent snow in the south of England these days that it brings absolute joy on the rare years we get a decent batch. Takes me back to childhood before global warming made the snow go away.

But I imagine if I got it frequently I'd learn to hate it instead. Funny how that works.

If you weren't due at the music hall, how would you spend your 'inside and cozy' day? Do you have a suitably oversized big-knit jumper and giant mug for coffee?

(do you hate the snowy season in Animal Crossing by extension as well?)
Yes, it’s raining. Or rather it was, but I’m not sure it is right now. It might just be overcast. I feel fine, to be honest, and I’m probably going to start studying soon and staying inside to embrace the cold weather, lmao
Currently, it's bright and cold. There's nothing to do- but it doesn't feel 'cozy'. You're so lucky to have rain instead! Apart from that, I'm feeling pretty good. I have coffee. My mom comes home today so that's a major plus to look forward to.

But Sunday actually began at 2:00 A.M. I went outside, the entire sky was clear with stars, and the full moon was beaming down on the sparkling, icy snow. Long shadows from the trees stretched out over the lawn. It was pristine, silent, untouched, and perfect. The hue of blue was beautiful against the forest outback. At 2:00 A.M, alone outside, I thought of nothing. I allowed myself to just 'be' for a few minutes.

That got me thinking about how much I'm going to miss winter. The thick snowfalls in the woods, blizzards, cloud days of absolute silence will be gone. I guess I'm feeling melancholy at this moment in time.

Here's what I'm listening to, just because.

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Sorry to hear that! My girlfriend also works Sundays, which is probably why I get the space to make silly contemplative threads on niche forums like this. Which day of the week ends up being your 'sunday', so to speak? How do you spend it?

We get such infrequent snow in the south of England these days that it brings absolute joy on the rare years we get a decent batch. Takes me back to childhood before global warming made the snow go away.

But I imagine if I got it frequently I'd learn to hate it instead. Funny how that works.

If you weren't due at the music hall, how would you spend your 'inside and cozy' day? Do you have a suitably oversized big-knit jumper and giant mug for coffee?

(do you hate the snowy season in Animal Crossing by extension as well?)
For me my "Sundays" are the school days that I don't have class until 12/1pm (Tuesday and Thursday). Weekends are usually stressful for me because I know I have things that need to be done but I really can't get myself to do anything so I basically just sit around and relax while being super anxious/depressed.

Interesting to hear you get little snow, I've learned recently that many European countries like England, Germany, etc. have a maritime climate so summers and winters are mild. Here in the Midwestern US we have a continental climate so the summers are very hot and winters are very cold. I don't like snow but I also don't like temperatures above 75F so it's pretty much lose-lose here.

If I didn't have to go to this recital, I would be spending my time doing homework and likely also playing Pokemon UM. I wish I didn't have homework but that's basically impossible to ask for as a Junior in college.
I don't have anything particularly cozy in my dorm room to curl up into, but I do have like 6 blankets I could potentially roll myself into ;w;

Also regarding Animal Crossing, yes I hate it when it snows in the game. I tend to not play as much during the Winter months because snow gives me a really depressing vibe. I usually get back into the game when the snow melts in late Feb and the grass/trees are a really pretty green color.
But Sunday actually began at 2:00 A.M. I went outside, the entire sky was clear with stars, and the full moon was beaming down on the sparkling, icy snow. Long shadows from the trees stretched out over the lawn. It was pristine, silent, untouched, and perfect. The hue of blue was beautiful against the forest outback. At 2:00 A.M, alone outside, I thought of nothing. I allowed myself to just 'be' for a few minutes.

That got me thinking about how much I'm going to miss winter. The thick snowfalls in the woods, blizzards, cloud days of absolute silence will be gone. I guess I'm feeling melancholy at this moment in time.
It sounds like you had a magical early morning. I'm quite jealous! While I am a city person through-and-through, I do envy others having nature on their doorstep like you seem to.

Try not to mourn Winter too much; she will return again. Her sister seasons will soon be making their own moments of wonder known before the cycle begins anew and you'll be in your snowy woods once again :)

For me my "Sundays" are the school days that I don't have class until 12/1pm (Tuesday and Thursday). Weekends are usually stressful for me because I know I have things that need to be done but I really can't get myself to do anything so I basically just sit around and relax while being super anxious/depressed.

Interesting to hear you get little snow, I've learned recently that many European countries like England, Germany, etc. have a maritime climate so summers and winters are mild. Here in the Midwestern US we have a continental climate so the summers are very hot and winters are very cold. I don't like snow but I also don't like temperatures above 75F so it's pretty much lose-lose here.
Milder, yes, but at least in England we used to get a lot more snow. It's becoming a rare sight, at least in the South where I'm based. The North (insert GoT meme here) still gets their annual snowfall.

I can relate on needing to get things done on a weekend but finding yourself just relaxing the time away. Sometimes that's needed, but other times I regret 'wasting' the time. Have you heard of the Bullet Journal method of organisation? I find when I'm more on-top of my journal, I naturally get more done.

That or going to the gym - flushes the brain and body out and leaves me feeling more productive.
I am in love with this idea! Need to start doing this every Sunday :)

It is not raining here today. The sun is bright in the sky and it's about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Earlier I felt very energetic so I took my dogs to the dog park, but now I am sleepy and resting until I have to go back to work.

Tbh today is the first time in a few weeks I have been excited and hopeful about the future, so it's been a good day!
it?s not rainy today and it?s now sunday night, but i am currently chilling in bed; the room is orange dimmed because of my light and the only sounds i can hear are my fan and my family in the hallway outside my door. the air from the fan is chill which is nice and despite the anxiety i feel about school tomorrow, it?s a relatively peaceful sunday moment