Raisins: yah or nah?

Do you liked raisins?

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Nope. I had a very traumatic experience once, when I was tricked into eating a cookie that looked exactly like a chocolate-chip cookie, but they were raisins! :mad:
I used to hate raisins but after eating this pack of chocolate-covered raisins I actually learned to live with it.
I'm not yah or nah, I'm like... k, like if it's there then okay I'm not gonna complain bc I don't particularly hate it but it's not something I'd like putting in my cookies or anything
I like them, but not when cooked with other stuff. Raisins aren't one of my favorite foods.
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Nah dude yuck, I wouldn't object to eating them if they were in a good muffin though.
I love raisins, on their own or in baking, either way is fine. I remember when I was very little and in school one of my friends always gave me her box of raisins because she didn't like them. I've been fond of them ever since! Raisin loaf is amazing.
I didn't like them much as a kid because my parents would try to force then on my sister and I for snacks and dessert. But I like them now as an infrequent treat.
I haven't really eaten them plain as a snack since I was a kid.

but i do like them, especially Raisinettes (chocolate-covered raisins) are a great movie snack with popcorn. I also like them in rum-raisin ice cream, i like them in moderation in Cuban-style picadillo, cinnamon-raisin bagels are great, a few oatmeal raisin cookies are okay, and they are awesome in gorp / trail-mix!
when i was a kid i used to think they were icky. but now i don't mind them.

I don't mind them in certain things, but I'm not a huge fan of them.
Hell yeah, raisins. They're also good with the vannila yogurt coating and in that cinnamon raisin bread
I mostly have them with baked goods and cereal but yeah I don't mind them. They're super good for you too! :)
Raisins are okayy, I don't eat them often and never really made them my choice of snack. But I also like them in baked goods c;
I like raisins, they're not like, my favorite choice of snack but I do enjoy them every once in a while. I definitely like craisins or dried cranberries better.
Other, I can't stand the texture of them alone. It's gross. If they're mixed into trail mix, all the other hard textures sort of balance it out and it's okay. If it's baked into bread or something it's good because it gets softer.
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Nah all the way. Gross little **** dried fruits, and most gross when covered in chocolate... or basically anything