Native Fruit: Apples
Fruit in Town: Apples, Peaches, Oranges, Coconut.
Museum: Still in progress.
Nook's: Nook Way
Timezone: Eastern
House Size: Basement
Roof Color: Black
Interior design: At this point you just have to see it for yourself =)
Town construction: N/A
Town upgrade: Bridge
Town rules: Will be posted up.
Item want list:
Golden Axe
Golden Watering Can
****I will always buy axes and cedar saplings****
*coming soon*
Fruit in Town: Apples, Peaches, Oranges, Coconut.
Museum: Still in progress.
Nook's: Nook Way
Timezone: Eastern
House Size: Basement
Roof Color: Black
Interior design: At this point you just have to see it for yourself =)
Town construction: N/A
Town upgrade: Bridge
Town rules: Will be posted up.
Item want list:
Golden Axe
Golden Watering Can
****I will always buy axes and cedar saplings****
*coming soon*