Giveaway ☺ Random Hybrid Flowers ☺

hey! is this still going on and is the list updated? if so id love all of the Jacob's ladder, and as many pink flowers as you have! thanks!!
Hello!You're so sweet for making a giveaway♡
Could I have any Jacob's ladders left and the black cosmos please?
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Oh darn. I forgot to lock the thread sorry!
To both you guys, yes there are still some flowers left. A few wilted after a day. You're welcome to come look around to see if there's anything you'd like to take. c:
Oh darn. I forgot to lock the thread sorry!
To both you guys, yes there are still some flowers left. A few wilted after a day. You're welcome to come look around to see if there's anything you'd like to take. c:

im available now! Im visiting someone else currently but afterwards id love to stop by!!
Haha :) the cute flower should have much better home than my small town.
I don’t need hybrids at the moment I just wanted say a big hi to you \(•~•)/
Hi! I'd love to stop by and snag a couple hybrids off of you! I don't have any in my town currently, so it would be nice to have a couple! Thanks! :)
Haha :) the cute flower should have much better home than my small town.
I don?t need hybrids at the moment I just wanted say a big hi to you \(?~?)/
My flower = you. :D :D

Hi! I'd love to stop by and snag a couple hybrids off of you! I don't have any in my town currently, so it would be nice to have a couple! Thanks! :)
Oh hey sorry for the wait.
I'll transfer the fruits and KK Slider stuff (that you asked about in my selling thread) to this town and open gates if you're still around!
Yes! If you're still available I'd gladly take the fruits and the hybrids!
Hello Again!So sorry I didn't reply I was busy with school~
Is the list updated?If so I'd love to have those Jacob'sladders and some black cosmos~♡