Pokémon Rank the gens from best to least best

actually not that it's a huge deal, but since its kinda bugging me, why is the title "least best" and not just "worst"?

I mean even if someone really liked them all, its still the same idea regardless. and seeing as this thread is 100% opinion based for everyone's preferences, it's not like used in this context would be insulting to anyone either (now if the OP was directly combating opposing opinions that's be a different story, but seeing as that isn't the case here....)

though I'm probably just overthinking it, but yeah. bit silly wording imo
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In my opinion:


I am considering remakes as part of the generation they originated in. There's not much difference if I don't, but 1 and 6 would be switched. Don't get me wrong, I like 6, but I can see it's too easy, and I like 2 in terms of region and Pokemon... But those level spikes with minimal places to grind really makes playing any of them tedious for me.

As for why I love 5, seeing as I gave a reason for disliking 2- the region's Pokemon are some of my favourites, I find the region itself very memorable (despite literally a circle), I enjoy the music, the villains are some of my favourites (being the first team who actually managed to make me question the way the world works ingame), and the music is amazing.

The starters are pretty bad, though. I'll say that.
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1. Johto
2. Sinnoh
3. Kanto
4. Unova
5. Hoenn
6. Kalos

Region Design:
1. Sinnoh
2. Johto
3. Hoenn
4. Unova
5. Kanto
6. Kalos

Overall Preference:
1. Johto
2. Sinnoh
3. Kanto
4. Hoenn
5. Unova
6. Kalos

Actual Generations:
1. Gen 4 (b/cos Sinnoh AND Johto)
2. Gen 2 (basically nostalgic reasons but also loved Johto)
3. Gen 3 (even tho Hoenn sucked, it still had Kanto [sevii isles] and Emerald [battle frontier] which made the games somewhat more interesting than their originals)
4. Gen 1 (nostalgia)
5. Gen 5 (meh)
6. Gen 6 (b/cos Kalos was boring and Hoenn wasn't improved all that much)
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This is tough, but I'll try:


II (G/S/C) I still hold in such high regards due to the fact that they were amazing sequels to the originals. I pretty much loved everything about G/S...and especially Crystal.

I tried not to base this on nostalgia, thus why I is so low and newer generations are high.
Unova, Hoenn, Kanto, Sinnoh, Johto, Kalos

Based on story, they rank evenly except for Unova at the top & Kalos at the stark bottom...for a 'beautiful world?' Puh-lease.
Pokemon In General:
1 Kanto (nostalgia kids)
2 Sinnoh (the evolutions pull it through)
3 Kalos (some were great, then some sucked)
4 Hoenn (metagross. Enough said)
5 Johto (Espeon and Heracross manage to help)
6 Unova (Despite Volcarona, Scrafty and Zoroark no surprise here)

1 Sinnoh (Cyrus is evil. And a blue alpaca)
2 Hoenn (Interesting take on land vs water)
3 Johto (funny how stupid they are without Giovanni)
4 Kanto (Giovanni makes it worse)
5 Unova (I get it, but then why are THEY using pokemon? Hypocrites!)
6 Kalos (Lysandre is B.S)

1 Johto (Silver is bae)
2 Hoenn (Wally makes up for May)
3 Unova (While Hugh sucked, the duo of Bianca and Cheren was cool)
4 Sinnoh (Barry drinks Monster)
5 Kanto (Rivals a typical douche)
6 Kalos (Weird dancer, shy orange hair dude, Monotone rival and flirty Shauna= no)

1 Sinnoh (enough said)
2 Kanto (We nerds get to beat up on a douche)
3 Hoenn (Steven, not Wallace)
4 Johto (Lance is meh)
5 Unova (Forgettable)
6 Kalos (Even more forgettable)

Layout of Region
1 Unova (Pretty good overall)
2 Kalos (It's kind of just like Unova)
3 Kanto (fair enough)
4 Johto (OK)
5 Hoenn (Too much water)
6 Sinnoh (Too many pointless landmarks. Who the heck remembers Solaceon Town?)

Ze Mascots
1 Unova (Tao Trio= Swig)
2 Kalos (Good representation of the Fairy type)
3 Hoenn ( Dangg)
4 Johto (Average)
5 Sinnoh (They're cool but lackluster)
6 Kanto (Eh. A legendary mascot would be better)

1 Kanto (Nostalgia baby)
2 Kalos (OK, fair enough)
3 Hoenn (Respectable)
4 Sinnoh (OK?)
5 Johto (No comment)
6 Unova (Screw Tepig)

I love all of them pretty much the same, but Hoenn and Sinnoh have a lot of nostalgia for me so maybe that's why I ranked them so high up.
Overall my list goes like this:


I skipped sinnoh because of stupid reasons lol. But I still don't like it.
Pokemon In General:
1 Hoenn
2 Sinnoh
3 Johto
4 Unova
5 Kanto
6 Kalos

1. Johto
2. Sinnoh
3. Hoenn
4. Kanto
5. Kalos
6. Unova

1. Johto
2. Kanto
3. Unova
4. Kalos
5. Sinnoh
6. Hoenn

1. Sinnoh
2. Hoenn
3. Kalos
4. Unova
5. Johto
6. Kanto

Layout of Region:
1. Sinnoh
2. Johto
3. Unova
4. Hoenn
5. Kanto
6. Kalos

Ze Mascots
1. Unova
2. Hoenn
3. Sinnoh
4. Johto
5. Kanto
6. Kalos

1. Johto
2. Hoenn
3. Sinnoh
4. Unova
5. Kanto
6. Kalos

1. Johto
2. Sinnoh
3. Hoenn
4. Unova
5. Kanto
6. Kalos
Mine's going to be a unpopular opinion, I think... though I've been playing since the release, so here it goes:

  • Kalos
  • Johto
  • Kanto
  • Sinnoh
  • Hoenn
  • Unova
I can't remember for the life of me why I preferred Sinnoh over Hoenn... I guess I wasn't too fond of the tropical theme, which worries me since Sun/Moon seem to be heading in a similar direction. Unova had a decent story, but I really disliked the region and native Pokemon. D:
1. Hoenn
Super biased as its where Pokemon all started for me, but even with that aside I love almost everything about Hoenn. Even all the water included. The music here is amazing and by far my fave.

2. Johto
Love this region as it makes many references to Japanese culture/traditions (ie. Kimono Girls, Burned Tower/Bell Tower etc.) Also being able to also visit Kanto in the Johto games is a plus.

3. Sinnoh
Great diversity in region from Mt. Coronet, to the Great Marsh, the snowy north, topical post game etc. Lost interest in playing these originally when I was younger but have gotten back into them since.

4. Kanto
Where everything all started. Before all the crazy bad guys that try to destroy the world. Team Rocket was just your ordinary group of thugs out there causing trouble. They didn't have the need to destroy the world as we know it. I always get a special feeling when playing a Kanto game.

5. Kalos
I originally really liked Kalos as it was the first time Pokemon came to 3DS and was one of the main reasons why I got a 3DS in the first place. After ORAS came out though I see Kalos as rather bland. It's a nice region and all but I don't know it just doesn't seem as special to me as the others.

6. Unova
Never really was much of a fan of Unova. Just ugh. Over time I've grown to be ok with it but it's still on the bottom of my list. The Unova Pokemon are very underwhelming to me and the region itself is ok but I'm not a fan of mostly urban themed places. Don't get me wrong Unova is still a great region but the others are just so much better. (Sorry for anyone who actually loves Unova).

As far as individual games go, HeartGold and SoulSilver are (in my opinion) the best that the series has to offer. They're beautiful, immersive, have intuitive controls, and a great post game. X and Y are easily the absolute worst. They're extremely easy, the "friends" are annoying, the roller skate item was a pain, and there was no post game. DPPt were also just not great games in general, marred by uninteresting and not compelling plot and dialogue as well as extremely slow graphics processing.
Ranking this was hard xD

1. Sinnoh
I had so many good memories with my pokemon pearl. The soundtrack + storyline is great and experiencing new pokemon was also great during this time. Me and my best friend, who has diamond, spent countless hours underground, making poffins, etc. Plus you could chain pokemon, omg I love seeing the sparkles in the grass~ There was alot to discover like the mansion, etc. Probably isn't as great as it seemed back then, but I remember gen 4 as an amazing gen~

2. Johto
Has some of my favorite starters.. cyndaquil<3 There was so much to do in HG/SS and it was refreshing to see both the Johto + kanto region revamped.

3. Kanto
My first pokemon game was fire red.. ahh the memories. Played it all the time as a kid, good times good times.
Plus it had the sevii islands

3. Hoenn
Nice soundtrack and storyline. Probably would've been ranked higher if I played it earlier. I played emerald after I played pearl. Hoenn is still awesome though

5. Unova
The black and white series is great, but most of the pokemon look ridiculous and I don't feel as much nostalgia as I do towards the other gens. Still love it though!

6. Kalos
Never even played x/y, but doesn't look like something I could get into.
Mine are:

Gen 4/Sinnoh: I love Sinnoh, it's a beautiful region. Team Galactic are awesome (especially Cyrus and Saturn is so cute). There is snow, lots of snow. It snows diamond dust on your birthday. I love making Poffins. Also the music; I seriously love the music in DPPt! Reminds me of being a kid again, when we would load up games just to listen to the soundtrack!

Gen 6/Kalos: The graphics are brill, just blew me away. Lysandre is cool. I cried at the end (man, I'm a sap). I love Wonder Trade, it's crazy but fun. Many of the new Pok?mon are groovy, especially Espurr and its evolutions.

Gen 5/Unova: It had a wicked storyline, felt like playing a movie! I liked how the goal in B/W was to defeat Team Plasma, rather than the usual "become the champion". It made it more dramatic, especially as the other gym leaders helped you. It seems unrealistic to me that a kid could take down a whole evil organization on their own.

Gen 3/Hoenn: I liked that there were two villainous teams but one were the good guys, depending on which game you chose. Berries are cool, period. I loved making Pokeblocks (why did they remove the actual blending game in ORAS *sulks* ).

Gen 2/Johto: I liked the protags and the rival. I was Kris in Crystal and I called her Chrissie, ha! Was sad she didn't return for HGSS. I spent so much time breeding Pok?mon and hatching eggs! I seem to remember the Elite Four being *really* difficult to beat, a proper challenge.

Gen 1/Kanto: The first Pok?mon game I played was Blue. I liked it and it was the gen that got me into Pok?mon but I guess I just like all the other gens more.
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