Rate the signature above you!


I definitely like it but kinda curious on two things. 1) How was it made? 2) Why was it made?
Is your's a advertisement for trains? I mean it's definitely unique but why do you feel you need to advertise? um 8/10 cause it sorta fits and I like the color scheme
Is your's a advertisement for trains? I mean it's definitely unique but why do you feel you need to advertise? um 8/10 cause it sorta fits and I like the color scheme
Thankyou yes it's an advertisement for my website otherwise people won't find it lol

Your signature is nice, I rate it 8/10

I definitely like it but kinda curious on two things. 1) How was it made? 2) Why was it made?

1) I used Animate CC 2015 to make it
2) Just to let anyone know what villagers i currently have and i no longer have, and which villagers of mine are the most favourites...Even when you don't care all of those things lol. I love making my own statistics basically

Ok back to the game

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PS what was your username before you changed it I can't remember