Rate their collectibles

Still lovely~ 10/10

Gonna keep coming back here till someone can help me decide on a temporary bottom layer. Prob won't be full until the next 3 flowers come out >> Kind of fond of this one.
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7/10 I love it apart from the dark egg, it seems out of place and wish it was a peach instead.
9/10 tfw all you have are pansies ;0;
i do recommend date swapping the pikachu egg for an older one, and getting another togepi to have the pokeball in the middle but ?\_(ツ)_/? i don't really care about order myself anyways
nice pairs!

9/10 tfw all you have are pansies ;0;
i do recommend date swapping the pikachu egg for an older one, and getting another togepi to have the pokeball in the middle but ?\_(ツ)_/? i don't really care about order myself anyways

your symmetrical flower pattern looks great!

(actually i'd have to swap my pokeball and my togepi for others from different years to get them in a different order as togepi didnt issue until spring 2014, but i think only 10 to 20 pokeballs issued in 2014 so it would be quite a challenge; ideally i'd have six pokeballs on bottom row, and three pikachus and three togepis on top row, but that's a pipedream for me altho there are i believe 2 or 3 non-admin people here who could pull it off...)