Ratings? [Resolved!]


Junior Member
Jul 30, 2015
Hello! I just registered so I could participate in these forums, as I just got the game myself :)

Aaaand I immediately have a question, too. You get a rating from the villager you've designed for after you finish, but I'm struggling to scale/translate them. I got a 'happy' on my first one, but the second one is 厶カッ and I just can't figure it out.. I feel a bit silly asking a question like this, but has anyone made note of the different ratings yet?

Thank you in advance!
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ムカツク means disgusting so are you sure you're not leaving a character off by accident?
That's what I thought too, but I'm 100% sure that those were the only 3 characters, in blue following that happy cat face.

The villager still clapped and everything too, so I don't know if I just cheesed it up that bad, or if I'm missing something really obvious..
What follows the 'happy cat face' is the emotion you got from the villager after completing their request. So instead of getting emotions from Dr. Shrunk you get them for finishing a request. So the 'disgust' is just the new emotion you got, has nothing to do with how they felt about how you decorated their place.