To me i dont mind rats unless if they are feral
Thank you! I wouldn't want to try to tame a feral rat myself. Or any feral animal. I just don't feel qualified to help them adjust to an indoor or home environment.
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To me i dont mind rats unless if they are feral
Heeeyyyyy how did I not see this thread before now haha?
I love rats they are the best pets 10/10.
I have spent insane amounts of money on my rats, they do come with plenty of medical bills. That's the one thing that I would caution people about. They are indeed an "exotic" pet.
A couple of my friends and family members weren't crazy about them when I first got them, but they all pretty much warmed up to them. And yup, it's always about the tails or the "diseases" - AKA a bunch of false information!
When they see their castle cage filled with adorable fleece hammocks, they usually soften up. Plus, my rats are all pretty sweet.
I have had a few who came in with some hormonal problems, but I was able to work with them. Mine have all been rescues.
I have seven currently:
My boys are all neutered so the boys and girls live together.
They are highly intelligent and very loving animals.
They have kept me together on my worst days. They have also absolutely broken my heart. I wouldn't change it for the world though. I can't stop bringing them home and giving them a chance to have a good life. They all came from bad, dire, unhealthy, scary or deathly situations. It's hard losing them, and they are always gone too fast! But the time you get to share with them is indeed very special.
Are rats different from gerbils and hamsters as a pet? I had some of both as a kid and I felt like they didn't really want to play with humans and just barely tolerated us for feeding them. It wasn't just mine. I knew others that had gerbils/hamsters and they acted the same. They felt not much different from fish (which REALLY don't care about you) as pets, but more annoying with how much they poop.
I feel like rats are smarter than gerbils or hamsters though.
As someone who has had clountless types of animals, rats are my favorite pets. I have had hamsters, and currently still have one (my sweet boy, Vladof), and not only can hamsters vary widely in personality, even the kindest hamster will not love you like a rat does. If I even step foot near my rat cages all 5 sets of little rat ears perk up in hopes of getting cuddled and if i open a door to their cage they literally throw themselves at me. I had a precious rat that roamed my apartment. He had a cage, but the doors were always open. He would sleep in there and use his litter boxes, but he was always wherever I was. He?d hang out in the kitchen with me when I made breakfast and conveniently eat any food i dropped on the floor and he jumped up onto my lap when I was watching tv, and he?d lay on my bathroom tiles next to me when i was taking a bath. He came when you called him and would do the dog thing where he could find the little pathes of sunlight on the floor and flop and sleep on them. He was the best pet I?d ever had. I took him to school with me all the time, he had a leash, he was my best friend.
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