lucky, if you subscribe to the idea that he's a decomposing dog underneath the bandages.
peaches, maybe, since you could interpret her eyes as being sewn shut.
penelope because nobody's sure whether that's a bow or her ears... to quote her pocket camp description: "we want to believe that penelope simply has unusually bow-shaped ears. the alternative is just too disturbing to contemplate."
depending on whether or not you consider them "cute" to begin with: rodeo, namely for his red eyes; pietro, due to the common fear of clowns; raddle, since he is based on a poison dart frog (super poisonous to humans) and because his mask lends itself to the idea that he's either a) suffering from an incurable/deadly sickness or b) the survivor of a place that was devastated by one, prompting him to wear said mask out of fear/paranoia.