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Real life horror experiences

One time I had just woken up for school in, like, seventh grade, so I hadn't turned my lamp on yet and was just sitting up in bed when I swear I saw my dad walk by my door down the hall. Now "down the hall" only lead to one of the bathrooms and my sisters' room. Curious as to what he was doing, I got up and went down the hall to see. He wasn't anywhere, and when I asked him later that morning he said he had never come down by mine and my sisters' rooms.

Another time I was staying over at my grandma's house and sleeping in the guest room, also with a view of the hall, when I notice a white adult cat, I mean so white it almost could have been glowing, walk past the guest room. My grandma has a lot of cats, but at the time the only somewhat white one she owned was still a small kitten and had quite visible gray on her ears, tail, paws, practically all but her back and stomach. Not quite as spooky as the first one, but definitely strange.
one time i was babysitting these two kids while their parents were out and it was nighttime so I went to put the kids to bed and they had this creepy clown statue that was freaking the little kids out so I put a blanket over it and told them to go to sleep and then when the parents called to ask how they were doing i said they were good but why did they put that creepy clown statue in the kids' room and the dad was like "we don't have a clown statue. take the kids and get out of the house"

one time i was babysitting these two kids while their parents were out and it was nighttime so I went to put the kids to bed and they had this creepy clown statue that was freaking the little kids out so I put a blanket over it and told them to go to sleep and then when the parents called to ask how they were doing i said they were good but why did they put that creepy clown statue in the kids' room and the dad was like "we don't have kids. take the clown statue and get out of the house"
it was last week, one night. I was walking with my friends around town. it was getting dark and we were texting on our phones while walking, well, we passed this one house that got burned down last year because of a mysterious fire. Our phones cast a light on the top floor window and I looked up and saw a person in the window. I blinked and looked again and I saw what looked like a female and it had pale skin and it's eyes looked like hollow holes. I told my friends and they looked up and they screamed. the girl moved out of the window and disappeared. we all ran to the edge of the street and ran to the back of the house. the light was on in the attic...we yelled who is there? and the light turned off. and it was silent. an we are sure that know one lives there.
My WiFi was out for 2 days that was pretty scary.

But really I have some actual horror stories but I'm currently on Mobil and it's a pain to type long messages

- - - Post Merge - - -

one time i was babysitting these two kids while their parents were out and it was nighttime so I went to put the kids to bed and they had this creepy clown statue that was freaking the little kids out so I put a blanket over it and told them to go to sleep and then when the parents called to ask how they were doing i said they were good but why did they put that creepy clown statue in the kids' room and the dad was like "we don't have a clown statue. take the kids and get out of the house"

...if you're going to take a horror story and claim it to be something that has happened to you maybe use one that isn't popular and well known.
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last night at like 3:30am I woke up to a girl crying and screaming "He doesn't want to play anymore" over and over near my window and I looked out my window (which overlooks the whole parking lot) and went out onto the porch on the backside of my apartment duplex and didn't see anyone anywhere. but tbh it was probably just a drunk girl idk but I didn't sleep for like 2 hours and had to leave the lamp on because I'm a baby
When I first moved into my apartment, we were checking out the closet and noticed the door to the circuit breaker. I popped it open to see what controlled everything then closed it, but about 20 seconds later it popped back open. Me and my gf laughed and were like "ooooh maybe this place is haunted." So I made sure I closed it 100%. I heard it lock and secure then 2 minutes later it popped open again as we were right in the middle of still joking about it. At this time I was seriously starting to freak out so I slammed it shut and then pulled on it to make sure it wouldn't open. About a week later I walked into my closet and it was open again. I asked my gf if she had touched it and she said no.

The weird thing is it has never happened again.

Maybe there was something loose but if not creepy af

Sometimes I get terrible dreams. Can't go into detail without concerning anyone or scarring them.

No, please do.

one time i was babysitting these two kids while their parents were out and it was nighttime so I went to put the kids to bed and they had this creepy clown statue that was freaking the little kids out so I put a blanket over it and told them to go to sleep and then when the parents called to ask how they were doing i said they were good but why did they put that creepy clown statue in the kids' room and the dad was like "we don't have a clown statue. take the kids and get out of the house"

I was gonna say, "Ah, hell no!" but I guess your story is fake? The story doesn't even make sense. Why would the dad make your take their kids once he got home?

one time i was int eh abthroom and i turned to leave and there was this HUGE aSs ROACH on the door so naturally there was no possible way for me to leave. i remember thinking to myself "this is it. this is where it ends"

How are you still alive? Are you still in the bathroom? Do you need help?!

One time I had just woken up for school in, like, seventh grade, so I hadn't turned my lamp on yet and was just sitting up in bed when I swear I saw my dad walk by my door down the hall. Now "down the hall" only lead to one of the bathrooms and my sisters' room. Curious as to what he was doing, I got up and went down the hall to see. He wasn't anywhere, and when I asked him later that morning he said he had never come down by mine and my sisters' rooms.

Another time I was staying over at my grandma's house and sleeping in the guest room, also with a view of the hall, when I notice a white adult cat, I mean so white it almost could have been glowing, walk past the guest room. My grandma has a lot of cats, but at the time the only somewhat white one she owned was still a small kitten and had quite visible gray on her ears, tail, paws, practically all but her back and stomach. Not quite as spooky as the first one, but definitely strange.

Aww, ghost cat :3

it was last week, one night. I was walking with my friends around town. it was getting dark and we were texting on our phones while walking, well, we passed this one house that got burned down last year because of a mysterious fire. Our phones cast a light on the top floor window and I looked up and saw a person in the window. I blinked and looked again and I saw what looked like a female and it had pale skin and it's eyes looked like hollow holes. I told my friends and they looked up and they screamed. the girl moved out of the window and disappeared. we all ran to the edge of the street and ran to the back of the house. the light was on in the attic...we yelled who is there? and the light turned off. and it was silent. an we are sure that know one lives there.

I wouldn't even have gone back to the house. I would just run and pretend like nothing happened.

last night at like 3:30am I woke up to a girl crying and screaming "He doesn't want to play anymore" over and over near my window and I looked out my window (which overlooks the whole parking lot) and went out onto the porch on the backside of my apartment duplex and didn't see anyone anywhere. but tbh it was probably just a drunk girl idk but I didn't sleep for like 2 hours and had to leave the lamp on because I'm a baby

whenever i go to montana my cousin tells me the mountain lion is going to kill me and since my uncle has multiple cabins i have to walk from the guest one to the main one, and sometimes it's dark. so i have to stomp and and look angry to scare them away but one time it didnt work bc i was climbing (and then descending) a mini mountain with the rest of my family (the sun was setting) and my uncle's pug started to bark up toward the top and started running. we then heard a hiss and we thought that i was going to die because im the smallest and i was marching at the end of the line. so naturally i started to sprint down the mountain (while everyone was freaking out) which is not a good idea and there was a ledge i forgot about and at the time the only way to survive was to jump it or i would trip and fall so i jumped like 500 feet in the air and when i landed my legs buckled underneath me but i still didnt want to die so i got up (and made sure to stomp) and kept running. eventually i made it to this other ledge but i couldnt stop and i jumped but it was more of a hop so it wasnt bad. then i ran into the main cabin before i died and i went upstairs. ofc there is a balcony upstairs and if you stand at one part of the mountain you can reach the balcony by jumping (ive done it before) and i sort of forgot. by then it was dark and we usually leave the balcony door open and i heard twigs snapping and i started to panic, i didnt know what to do. i mean at that point i was exhausted and i could barely move. but yeah i crawled down the stairs but then i panicked again because the doors are easy to open and again i still did not want to die. btw my family ****ing ditched me and went to the guest cabin so i was alone. with the little pug he was so cute. so i made him guard me and i sat in a tiny space behind a couch and prayed i wouldnt die. my family came in and was like wtf and they decided to start talking about that ***** mountain furry. i mean theyve seen it before, it usually leaves us alone. to this day im traumatized, i was 10 at the time. 5 yrs later i still stomp and try to look big and scary (im 5'6 and i weigh 94 pounds so it's not easy). my cousin and my brother tease me about it but they just dont understand smh
it was the night of my birthday, a night darker the devil's withered, smoke-ridden lungs. it was the most depressing moment of my depressing life as i attempted to light the single candle of a birthday cake i rigorously hand-crafted on my own in order to light the room. after several pathetic strokes and wasted matches, a dim light appeared, but i was not the one who birthed it- i shifted my eyes the way a young man whose face was veiled by clusters of pustules approaching eruption at any given moment would shift his eyes cautiously while smuggling electronic video games into his schoolbag after being reprimanded by his unwitting parents for such an act. i blinked and good christ almighty the grim reaper shows himself to me and the way i managed to keep my bowels composed in such a frightening moment was bewildering. the reaper spoke and revealed a message that seemed urgent by the way he unprofessionally flailed his arms in my face in attempts to seize my attention, but bodily excrement was all i could think of after being so caught off guard. i suppose if the message was so important, he would have approached me like a decent person and at least called several days in advance before inviting himself into my home. the reaper thought about this and apologized, then cooked me spaghetti to further assert the sincerity of this apology. this night has not escaped my mind, and my username is a constant reminder of the most social situation i've ever been in. ok i have to go to work now
whenever i go to montana my cousin tells me the mountain lion is going to kill me and since my uncle has multiple cabins i have to walk from the guest one to the main one, and sometimes it's dark. so i have to stomp and and look angry to scare them away but one time it didnt work bc i was climbing (and then descending) a mini mountain with the rest of my family (the sun was setting) and my uncle's pug started to bark up toward the top and started running. we then heard a hiss and we thought that i was going to die because im the smallest and i was marching at the end of the line. so naturally i started to sprint down the mountain (while everyone was freaking out) which is not a good idea and there was a ledge i forgot about and at the time the only way to survive was to jump it or i would trip and fall so i jumped like 500 feet in the air and when i landed my legs buckled underneath me but i still didnt want to die so i got up (and made sure to stomp) and kept running. eventually i made it to this other ledge but i couldnt stop and i jumped but it was more of a hop so it wasnt bad. then i ran into the main cabin before i died and i went upstairs. ofc there is a balcony upstairs and if you stand at one part of the mountain you can reach the balcony by jumping (ive done it before) and i sort of forgot. by then it was dark and we usually leave the balcony door open and i heard twigs snapping and i started to panic, i didnt know what to do. i mean at that point i was exhausted and i could barely move. but yeah i crawled down the stairs but then i panicked again because the doors are easy to open and again i still did not want to die. btw my family ****ing ditched me and went to the guest cabin so i was alone. with the little pug he was so cute. so i made him guard me and i sat in a tiny space behind a couch and prayed i wouldnt die. my family came in and was like wtf and they decided to start talking about that ***** mountain furry. i mean theyve seen it before, it usually leaves us alone. to this day im traumatized, i was 10 at the time. 5 yrs later i still stomp and try to look big and scary (im 5'6 and i weigh 94 pounds so it's not easy). my cousin and my brother tease me about it but they just dont understand smh

I like how you leave your family to die
One time my friends and I went into an old abandon werehouse after years of being curious about it, and half of it was caved in. My guy friend (not a boyfriend) pointed at some old looking bottles and medical equipment didn't have any dust or rust on them when they should have, being in an old place for so long. He poked around in the worn out files and me being interested in alchemy I did the same thing do. We both heard hasty footsteps coming down the stairs with heavy breathing, soon followed by a stern gruff voice telling us that trespassers will be fined and that we would report us to the police if we came back. After that day weird things started happening over the course of 2 years. I'm not going to go into detail about what we read and what happened but basically the man who told us to scram has been trying to recruit my friend and I by causing emotional and distressed situations.
Okay, saying that they are ghosts is kind of cliche, I know. And I'm not crazy, no matter how crazy I sound.

But for as long as I remember I have also been sort of sensitive and six sense-ish. A few years ago I lived in my adopted moms house back while I was in high school, being that I was such a messed up kid I was terrified of the dark, still am today. My birth mom, a very spiritual and religious women believed in saints and told me a few years ago that a dark saint might be following us around because of a house we went into, therefore she gave me a cross. Mind you, I wore this cross for a total of 4 years and it broke about 4 times within those years as if something was trying to attack me. Then when I no longer had my cross I started having these dreams. I was already aware of a presence in my adopted moms house, there was a big dark man in the hallway and sometimes a little kid which I think is a girl. The girl never used to bug me but the man did, he would never leave me alone.

Anyway, back to the dreams, so I had a total of 3 dreams. The first was with two dark shadows, they were floating above me and I was I on my bed in my room I attempted to escape and knew that I would be safe if I went for the late so I went for my night light and woke up before they would pull me away. The 2nd dream was one shadow, I was laying on my bed in the dream looking up at it and it was trying to pull me out of my body so I yelled the name of my mom's saint and it left. The last time it was the same shadow again but this time I yelled gods name before it could even touch me. Each time I woke from one of these dreams I was terrified because they felt so real.

Currently I am in college and last semester I had similar occurrences but they were different, I was at a point of drifting to sleep. The first one was a lady screaming, and she wasn't screaming anything in particular she was just bloody screaming. The second, I felt like someone was on my bed and heard a man whisper that everything would be alright and said he was going to rape me, his voice was distinctly latino which was a detail that made it all the more real, I also felt some thing cold and metallic like a knife against my abdomen. Both caused me to wake in a freight and both times no one was there. Luckily a close friend was still up at that time and comforted me but I feel like these are not just things you make up.

So yeah, thats my horror experiences, sorry they are so long. :)
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this is something I remember vividly, so I was just a wee tot when this happened I remember waking up to my parents freaking out in my room I was wondering what was wrong and then I look down at my bed there was blood on it and when I looked down more, there was our pet rabbit with it's head torn off

these next ones I don't remember to well

this one I learned recently from my grandmother in the same house where the rabbit incident happened, my parents as well grandparents would find scratches all over my body

this is another one that my father told me,so I used to talk to this girl who my dad said I called Heather he shrugged it off as being an imaginary friends since it was common for kids my age to have them. however he knew something was wrong when I started going to him crying my eyes out telling him to make Heather stop hitting me or to tell Heather to stop watching me while I was trying to sleep, I wanted heather to go away and to leave me alone.

((and yes this also happened in the same house like said above incidents))​
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Back a long time ago when our family live in a yellow stucko house, sometimes at Halloween each year in our neighborhood there would be a guy with a pumpkin for his head at a random house. One time he was sitting in a chair at the top of some steps deep in our neighborhood. I walked up the steps slowly and I was way younger at the time. He didn't make any noise at all until I was next to him looking around. Then he said boo really quickly and stood up and I freaked out and fell all the way down the steps. Thankfully I wasn't hurt at all, but I was scared af. I asked my mom to ask him if he could take the pumpkin off to reassure me, but he tried and it wouldn't come off. I'm still pretty sure it was a guy trying to scare people since it was halloween, but I still get scared everytime I think of him. Also one time he was at a different house closer to us. My sister and her friend went up the steps and rung the doorbell. The guy with the pumpkin head opened the door and had a real freaking chainsaw running. They ran away screaming. My mom was going to call the cops, but the guy didn't do anything but stand there with it so there was no point really. I always refer to him as Pumpkin man when people ask. Man that guy was scary. He must of been a professional or something.
Back a long time ago when our family live in a yellow stucko house, sometimes at Halloween each year in our neighborhood there would be a guy with a pumpkin for his head at a random house. One time he was sitting in a chair at the top of some steps deep in our neighborhood. I walked up the steps slowly and I was way younger at the time. He didn't make any noise at all until I was next to him looking around. Then he said boo really quickly and stood up and I freaked out and fell all the way down the steps. Thankfully I wasn't hurt at all, but I was scared af. I asked my mom to ask him if he could take the pumpkin off to reassure me, but he tried and it wouldn't come off. I'm still pretty sure it was a guy trying to scare people since it was halloween, but I still get scared everytime I think of him. Also one time he was at a different house closer to us. My sister and her friend went up the steps and rung the doorbell. The guy with the pumpkin head opened the door and had a real freaking chainsaw running. They ran away screaming. My mom was going to call the cops, but the guy didn't do anything but stand there with it so there was no point really. I always refer to him as Pumpkin man when people ask. Man that guy was scary. He must of been a professional or something.

Sorry but that is messed up. :\ I know Halloween is a time where you are supposed to scare people, but it's supposed to be like a funny sort of scary! Like it would make you jump, but also laugh at the same time. Honestly though, a chainsaw?! Ugh, what on earth... I am sometimes glad we don't celebrate Halloween much here because stuff like that would really frighten me. :(

Anyway, I have never really experienced anything scary. I didn't really believe in spirits until quite recently, though. Nothing scary happened, but there were just a few occurrences where I thought "yeah, that wasn't quite right". It was shortly after my nanny died. We kept having weird things happen in our house, such as the TV randomly switching itself on. It only happened around that time, too, it NEVER happened before her death or much after her death. I have that same TV in my room now and it doesn't do it either. I do remember once when I was preparing for a speech competition on the morning of the final, and I was so so nervous. I didn't really like public speaking but this was a big day for me and I just wanted to be able to get through it and enjoy the experience (and I did). My mum said that she would talk to my nanny sometimes as if she was there, and apparently that morning my mum asked her if she would give me the courage to get through the day because I was feeling very nervous. Apparently, not long after that, the TV switched on again. I wore the necklace she gave me, too, and I did manage to make it through the speech!

I don't know, I guess some people might just think this is a load of rubbish, but I do definitely believe in spirits now after this. Again, it wasn't a terrifying experience, it was very positive and reassuring in some ways! But honestly I don't really get involved with anything with spirits and all that. :( Some of the stories I've read on this thread have really freaked me out and if I were in that position I would be petrified. I guess some people do just seem to attract spirits! xD
One time my friend put her phone away in a drawer in her bedroom, she went downstairs and her phone flew right past her and landed on the floor a few metres away from her.
I was there, it was scary af
I remember I was laying in my bed one night ready for sleep, I had been laying there for sometime and I couldnt sleep then I heard and felt my bed rustling (I sleep in a bunk bed with my older sis and I sleep on the top bunk) so I thought 'eh it just my sis' then it kept going and it start3d to annoy me. 'Stop shaking the damn bed' I shouted then I look down beneath me and no one was there o_O afterwards I hear my sister's voice in the living room. Afterwards the rustling stopped and I went to sleep and shrugged it off but Yh I was kinda creeped out
Okay, saying that they are ghosts is kind of cliche, I know. And I'm not crazy, no matter how crazy I sound.

But for as long as I remember I have also been sort of sensitive and six sense-ish. A few years ago I lived in my adopted moms house back while I was in high school, being that I was such a messed up kid I was terrified of the dark, still am today. My birth mom, a very spiritual and religious women believed in saints and told me a few years ago that a dark saint might be following us around because of a house we went into, therefore she gave me a cross. Mind you, I wore this cross for a total of 4 years and it broke about 4 times within those years as if something was trying to attack me. Then when I no longer had my cross I started having these dreams. I was already aware of a presence in my adopted moms house, there was a big dark man in the hallway and sometimes a little kid which I think is a girl. The girl never used to bug me but the man did, he would never leave me alone.

Anyway, back to the dreams, so I had a total of 3 dreams. The first was with two dark shadows, they were floating above me and I was I on my bed in my room I attempted to escape and knew that I would be safe if I went for the late so I went for my night light and woke up before they would pull me away. The 2nd dream was one shadow, I was laying on my bed in the dream looking up at it and it was trying to pull me out of my body so I yelled the name of my mom's saint and it left. The last time it was the same shadow again but this time I yelled gods name before it could even touch me. Each time I woke from one of these dreams I was terrified because they felt so real.

Currently I am in college and last semester I had similar occurrences but they were different, I was at a point of drifting to sleep. The first one was a lady screaming, and she wasn't screaming anything in particular she was just bloody screaming. The second, I felt like someone was on my bed and heard a man whisper that everything would be alright and said he was going to rape me, his voice was distinctly latino which was a detail that made it all the more real, I also felt some thing cold and metallic like a knife against my abdomen. Both caused me to wake in a freight and both times no one was there. Luckily a close friend was still up at that time and comforted me but I feel like these are not just things you make up.

So yeah, thats my horror experiences, sorry they are so long. :)

Omg the latino ghost dream is creepy af.

this is something I remember vividly, so I was just a wee tot when this happened I remember waking up to my parents freaking out in my room I was wondering what was wrong and then I look down at my bed there was blood on it and when I looked down more, there was our pet rabbit with it's head torn off

these next ones I don't remember to well

this one I learned recently from my grandmother in the same house where the rabbit incident happened, my parents as well grandparents would find scratches all over my body

this is another one that my father told me,so I used to talk to this girl who my dad said I called Heather he shrugged it off as being an imaginary friends since it was common for kids my age to have them. however he knew something was wrong when I started going to him crying my eyes out telling him to make Heather stop hitting me or to tell Heather to stop watching me while I was trying to sleep, I wanted heather to go away and to leave me alone.

((and yes this also happened in the same house like said above incidents))​

That rabbit thing is very ****ed up. How did that even happen?

Back a long time ago when our family live in a yellow stucko house, sometimes at Halloween each year in our neighborhood there would be a guy with a pumpkin for his head at a random house. One time he was sitting in a chair at the top of some steps deep in our neighborhood. I walked up the steps slowly and I was way younger at the time. He didn't make any noise at all until I was next to him looking around. Then he said boo really quickly and stood up and I freaked out and fell all the way down the steps. Thankfully I wasn't hurt at all, but I was scared af. I asked my mom to ask him if he could take the pumpkin off to reassure me, but he tried and it wouldn't come off. I'm still pretty sure it was a guy trying to scare people since it was halloween, but I still get scared everytime I think of him. Also one time he was at a different house closer to us. My sister and her friend went up the steps and rung the doorbell. The guy with the pumpkin head opened the door and had a real freaking chainsaw running. They ran away screaming. My mom was going to call the cops, but the guy didn't do anything but stand there with it so there was no point really. I always refer to him as Pumpkin man when people ask. Man that guy was scary. He must of been a professional or something.

He should've been arrested.

Sorry but that is messed up. :\ I know Halloween is a time where you are supposed to scare people, but it's supposed to be like a funny sort of scary! Like it would make you jump, but also laugh at the same time. Honestly though, a chainsaw?! Ugh, what on earth... I am sometimes glad we don't celebrate Halloween much here because stuff like that would really frighten me. :(

Anyway, I have never really experienced anything scary. I didn't really believe in spirits until quite recently, though. Nothing scary happened, but there were just a few occurrences where I thought "yeah, that wasn't quite right". It was shortly after my nanny died. We kept having weird things happen in our house, such as the TV randomly switching itself on. It only happened around that time, too, it NEVER happened before her death or much after her death. I have that same TV in my room now and it doesn't do it either. I do remember once when I was preparing for a speech competition on the morning of the final, and I was so so nervous. I didn't really like public speaking but this was a big day for me and I just wanted to be able to get through it and enjoy the experience (and I did). My mum said that she would talk to my nanny sometimes as if she was there, and apparently that morning my mum asked her if she would give me the courage to get through the day because I was feeling very nervous. Apparently, not long after that, the TV switched on again. I wore the necklace she gave me, too, and I did manage to make it through the speech!

I don't know, I guess some people might just think this is a load of rubbish, but I do definitely believe in spirits now after this. Again, it wasn't a terrifying experience, it was very positive and reassuring in some ways! But honestly I don't really get involved with anything with spirits and all that. :( Some of the stories I've read on this thread have really freaked me out and if I were in that position I would be petrified. I guess some people do just seem to attract spirits! xD

I don't how anyone could be comfortable with electronics/appliances turning on by themselves. That always creeps me out

One time my friend put her phone away in a drawer in her bedroom, she went downstairs and her phone flew right past her and landed on the floor a few metres away from her.
I was there, it was scary af

And no one else was home? If not, yikers.

I remember I was laying in my bed one night ready for sleep, I had been laying there for sometime and I couldnt sleep then I heard and felt my bed rustling (I sleep in a bunk bed with my older sis and I sleep on the top bunk) so I thought 'eh it just my sis' then it kept going and it start3d to annoy me. 'Stop shaking the damn bed' I shouted then I look down beneath me and no one was there o_O afterwards I hear my sister's voice in the living room. Afterwards the rustling stopped and I went to sleep and shrugged it off but Yh I was kinda creeped out

I would have jumped off and ran away.

- - - Post Merge - - -

One time my friends and I went into an old abandon werehouse after years of being curious about it, and half of it was caved in. My guy friend (not a boyfriend) pointed at some old looking bottles and medical equipment didn't have any dust or rust on them when they should have, being in an old place for so long. He poked around in the worn out files and me being interested in alchemy I did the same thing do. We both heard hasty footsteps coming down the stairs with heavy breathing, soon followed by a stern gruff voice telling us that trespassers will be fined and that we would report us to the police if we came back. After that day weird things started happening over the course of 2 years. I'm not going to go into detail about what we read and what happened but basically the man who told us to scram has been trying to recruit my friend and I by causing emotional and distressed situations.

You stay away from that man. He's shifty af.