Red Dead Redemption release March 2015


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Hey guys, I quickly typed Red Dead Redemption for Xbox One into google this morning and it came up with the possible news of the game being released in March 2015 with a second game possibly being released later in the year.
If this is true, then I am very excited! Red Dead has been a favourite game of mine for quite a while. I had to give it up when hubby wanted to get a Xbox one and ditch his PS3 *cries* so if this release date is true, I'm going to be one very happy bunny!!! :D

A lot of talk is on the sequel for RDR and lots of ideas are flying around with fans of the game. What do you want to see in the sequel? I personally would love to see an earlier John Marston and live his life, as he did, with his gang before he settled down with his wife and son. A story based around Jack would be pretty awesome too. It would be brilliant if they kept it to the old Western. I'd hate for them to change the game too much in the sequel as it would take away quite a bit as to what made RDR great in the first place. Please share your ideas guys.

Does anyone else have any news on RDR or does anyone else here play it as well?
Will be great to meet some fellow RDR fans!!!

Not quite sure I believe that, but it'll be interesting if it is. If they do release them for Next-Gen, I hope they include all the DLC day one. It was an amazing fun game, I really enjoyed playing through every second of it. But if there is a sequel, I don't want it to revolve around the Marstons. Maybe a mention or nod, but I'd rather experience someone new not someone we already know.
wow maybe cool i hadnt heard that but wow why is nothing new coming out :( do people who had a ps3 and a 360 already want to replay those games they just played? it feels like give it a generation or so wow
I mean that'd be awesome but do you have any first source news article? I don't think the only result should be a K-Drama website for news about an American game... but anyway

that'd be awesome if they made another. I dont really like the standard GTA series but I'm always up for GTA: Western Edition Version 2