Giveaway 🎀 Redbow Cycling 🎀 ~ For New Leaf

Ah I?m sorry I missed your reply as it was late here! But I?m around all day today until 11pm GMT so will keep checking back c:
hey ill be available today, I didn't have time yesterday :/ but pls lmk when u have sprinkle ready, thank u!
Ahhhh howdy! ;v; <3 This is super sweet of you tbh!! I'm currently in need of Stella the sheep and would love to nab her, if at all possible...! I'm available p much anytime after 3 EST until like.... 4 am EST...! I'd just need a little bit of a heads up so I can TT to kick out my villager who wants to move in a couple of days haha ;v;
Ahhhh howdy! ;v; <3 This is super sweet of you tbh!! I'm currently in need of Stella the sheep and would love to nab her, if at all possible...! I'm available p much anytime after 3 EST until like.... 4 am EST...! I'd just need a little bit of a heads up so I can TT to kick out my villager who wants to move in a couple of days haha ;v;

Hi there, I'm happy to get Stella to you anytime, just let me know when you have room.:]
Ahh, great! I'll get to TTing right now, then! <3 I'll let you know once he's out! ;v; <3
(Okay actually that took less time than i expected, i have the space now! ;v; <3)
Is Nana still available? X

(Okay actually that took less time than i expected, i have the space now! ;v; <3)

Yes, Nana is still available, there's one ahead of you if you're willing to wait about 10 minutes. :]
Ok, let me get her boxed, you added, and open, it will take about 5 minutes.
Awesome! Thank you so much again <3 you're such a huge help!

Ok, I'm sorry for the longer wait, I forgot that since Stella's an rv villager, I have to go invite her from a rv and not just scan her card and tt.
I’m also online now if I’m good to get Cookie soon!

Don’t mind at all, happy to wait :)

Omg you're fine!! I understand, sorry for any inconvenience!

Oh no, it's not an inconvience, I just forgot the proper steps for rv villagers. Open for stella, she's spot 3.
Them it will be nana and cookie, thank you all for your patience with my bumbling. :]

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok, I can open for Nana!
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