Giveaway 🎀 Redbow Cycling 🎀 ~ For New Leaf

Hi again! My boyfriend has started playing animal crossing and is wondering if he could get Apollo, he has an account on here but had no idea what he was doing so I said I'd ask for him lol :)

I was also wondering if I'd be able to get Gayle for myself
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Hi again! My boyfriend has started playing animal crossing and is wondering if he could get Apollo, he has an account on here but had no idea what he was doing so I said I'd ask for him lol :)

I was also wondering if I'd be able to get Gayle for myself

Hi, I'd love to, I'll be home in about 2 hours, 3 on the long side.
Hey! Been a while! I restarted my town so i wanna have Wolfgang and Marshal on my new town again hehe
Hi guys, I'll be home in 30 minutes, I went shopping guide after church , I forgot it is the superball today, store was nuts.
Ok, I have Wolfgang, Willow, Gayle, Apollo and Marshal scanned in, who's on?
I'm on right now, if I can come over that would be great :)

My boyfriend is around to get Apollo, and I can come get Gayle :)

He's added your friend code

I'm ready for Willow!

Ok, opening in this order:
Sugersprig-Wolfgang spot 4
Biscuit Apollo and BF-Apollo and Gayle, spot 2 and spot 12
xxxmadison-Willow spot 11
Open for sugarsprig

- - - Post Merge - - -

Then marshal- spot ?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok, open for Apollo, spot 2
Ok, open for Gayle, spot 12
Nice pace, Thanks for the hustle everyone!^^