Count your Many Blessings
Ok, so sorry about that! Redbow is Open!
I'm actually working on getting her card, so it might be a short lurk.
Ah, I need to take that down. :/ Sure, I'll scan him in if you have room.
I'm doing a trade right now so it will be a bit.
Didn't I already get you Rocco? I just scanned him in for someone...
Oh man, glad to hear that worked out okay.
I'm opening Redbow now. Sorry for the wait, they never showed up. :[
I may be afk, so go right ahead.
Hey! If you ever take back this thread please let me know, there are a lot of villagers I'd be interested in
Plus glad you found the perfect map! If you need a bit of help to start new feel free to ask!
I'm interested in a couple of villagers!