Giveaway 🎀 Redbow Cycling 🎀 ~ For New Leaf

Hi guys, I'm sorry for the late reply, I'm dogsitting and I was told I could help myself to the wifi, but they forgot to tell me what the password or where the modem is. I found it after an too nosey for my tastes search. I'll be here! I hope I can connect the ds to it....

Okay! I'm still available. I hope it works, too!
it connected! ok, I can get you Dobie in 5 minutes. :]

- - - Post Merge - - -

ok, open:] spot 7
Hey there~ Can I have Walker please?

If he is available:
I try to be available while at work, but I'll be for sure available at these times.
Monday: after 5:40PM AST
Wednesday: after 5:40PM AST
Friday: 6AM - 12PM AST
Saturday: 6AM - 12PM AST
Sunday: 6AM - 12PM AST
Hi guys, I'm sorry for the late reply, I'm dogsitting and I was told I could help myself to the wifi, but they forgot to tell me what the password or where the modem is. I found it after an too nosey for my tastes search. I'll be here! I hope I can connect the ds to it....

Hey! I'm ready for Merengue!
Hey there~ Can I have Walker please?

If he is available:
I try to be available while at work, but I'll be for sure available at these times.
Monday: after 5:40PM AST
Wednesday: after 5:40PM AST
Friday: 6AM - 12PM AST
Saturday: 6AM - 12PM AST
Sunday: 6AM - 12PM AST

Hi there, if I have the right timezone, it's about 5pm your time.
I'm available on and off today, I'll check back frequently. :]

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey! I'm ready for Merengue!

Hi! Ok, I'll get her ready about 5 minutes!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok, open for Merengue! She's spot 11.
I'm sorry for the delay, I thought I scanned her in already but it was Gayle.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ah, I'm an idiot, I thought you were still added, I've opened again, I'm sorry!
Aloha Abley,

I have waiting on someone to give me Hazel for a few days. Would you happen to have her? Mahalo.
Aloha Abley,

I have waiting on someone to give me Hazel for a few days. Would you happen to have her? Mahalo.

I do have her! There's on ahead of you so it will be about 12 minutes if you're willing to wait. :]
Ok, now open for Hazel, she's spot 8, I'll be afk.
Help yourself to anything in the grab pile. :]
She is still sleeping. :lemon: You are so very kind to do this... please allow me to give you something? I insist.
She is still sleeping. :lemon: You are so very kind to do this... please allow me to give you something? I insist.

I'm terrible sorry! Uchis and Lazy's get me every time!
No, No need to to give me anything, you're very sweet to offer!
Hi there, if I have the right timezone, it's about 5pm your time.
I'm available on and off today, I'll check back frequently. :]

Sweet! I added you. Lmk when you're ready. :) Tysm! c:

PS: I'll be logging in tomorrow from 2PM-11PM
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I'm free for a few hours, and would like to collect Tutu if you go online soon.