Hey guys, so I've been playing the game since launch day and up until the start of this year I was pretty okay with the decorating/landscaping that I had done on my island, although it was pretty simple and not too crazy. Recently, however, I realized how much the "meta" for island decoration has changed, and how there are many more amazing options and ideas to work with (aka The Path), so I started do redecorate my island slowly. I always try to keep terraforming to a minimal level as I think that trying to work with the natural layout of my island is more fun to me, but now I am kind of stuck in a rut as to what I should do/where should I place my player house.
My island is mainly divided into four "continents", and my house is currently placed in the main one which also has the Resident Services and the shops. This main continent is also the one I was dissatisfied with the most and the one I'm focusing my redecoration on atm. The left side of it is pretty much done, but the right side (which contains my house) is where I'm stuck at.
I'm mainly looking for ideas and suggestions on what I could do to my house granted that I still would prefer to keep it in this part of the island, but would have no problems moving it. Should I build a cliff and put it there? Should I build cliffs around it? What would still look natural without changing too much of my island's overall structure?
Here is a map of my island for some context, the Dream Address is also updated if you want to have a look yourself (I'm also open to any other feedback and suggestions you may have when visiting the dream version):
My island is mainly divided into four "continents", and my house is currently placed in the main one which also has the Resident Services and the shops. This main continent is also the one I was dissatisfied with the most and the one I'm focusing my redecoration on atm. The left side of it is pretty much done, but the right side (which contains my house) is where I'm stuck at.
I'm mainly looking for ideas and suggestions on what I could do to my house granted that I still would prefer to keep it in this part of the island, but would have no problems moving it. Should I build a cliff and put it there? Should I build cliffs around it? What would still look natural without changing too much of my island's overall structure?
Here is a map of my island for some context, the Dream Address is also updated if you want to have a look yourself (I'm also open to any other feedback and suggestions you may have when visiting the dream version):