terribly sorrt but ill be canceling my order, i was able to acquire the item from someone else but thanks so much, ill keep your services in mind for the future.

That's fine, it happens.Thanks for letting me know! It really makes things easier the sooner I am informed. :) I appreciate it. I look forward to you shopping here again!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor Name: Airen
Town: Aika
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Alpine Set minus alpine panel, exotic wall
Price Offer: 130k is that fair? I did 10k for each item. I don't mind paying more of course. c:
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: No
Any other order inquiries: None
Any additional requests: None :)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Airen thanks for your order! (And for posting the rules too!) I appreciate it.
130K is fine :) I will PM you when its all set! :D Thanks again!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor Name: Chiffuni
Town: Etoile
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Alpine Set minus the panel, wall, rug, sofa and table. Regal sofa and regal table, sleek side table, desert case and display shelf
Price Offer: Is 370k good? I can offer more if needed~
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: No
Any other order inquiries: None
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!): None

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Chiffuni! Thanks for your order! I will address it as soon as I can and PM you when it all set! 370K is a good price for all those items, I think! Thank you very much!
Mayor Name: Miriam
Town: Pallet
Requested Item(s)/Set(s):
- Jingle series
- Kiddie bookcase
- Kiddie bureau
- Kiddie stereo
- Modern wood flooring
- Modern wood wall
- Robo-chair
- Robo-tv
- Robo-wall
- Stripe bathroom sink
- Stripe bed
- Strpe lamp
- Stripe sofa
- Stripe table

Price Offer: 1 million, including cataloging listed below
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: No
Any other order inquiries: Can I catalog your ice, pave and card sets?
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!): Your town is fine since I will be cataloging :)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Mayor Name: Miriam
Town: Pallet
Requested Item(s)/Set(s):
- Jingle series
- Kiddie bookcase
- Kiddie bureau
- Kiddie stereo
- Modern wood flooring
- Modern wood wall
- Robo-chair
- Robo-tv
- Robo-wall
- Stripe bathroom sink
- Stripe bed
- Strpe lamp
- Stripe sofa
- Stripe table

Price Offer: 1 million, including cataloging listed below
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: No
Any other order inquiries: Can I catalog your ice, pave and card sets?
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!): Your town is fine since I will be cataloging :)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hey, Miriam! Thanks for shopping here again! :D And also for posting the rules :) Much appreciated!
I can do that for you, no problem! I will PM you when its all set :) Thank you for your continued patronage!
1 Million is just fine :) Thanks a bunch!
Mayor Name: Jun
Town: Terminus
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Rococo (complete)
Price Offer:500K?
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: No
Any other order inquiries: 7-11 (complete) 5million
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Last edited:
Mayor Name: Ezusa
Town: Hanabera
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): minamalist set
Price Offer: 200k?
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Nope
Any other order inquiries: nope
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!):nope

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Last edited:
town: Wolftown
Want to buy: cabin,jingle, ranch, robot,kiddie, minimalist, modern wood,regal all full series
Want to catalog: Card full series, mermaid full series,mush..just the wall & floor
Will pay: 1mil?
.......Don't care who's town
........not in any hurry please let me know if you will take my order so i dont have to look for these items anymore. Please take your time.Sorry its such a large order.

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
I posted my order a couple days ago but I was wondering if I could add to it?

If so, in addition to buying the jingle series and cataloging the sloppy series could I also:

Buy the Harvest set and Spooky set

and catalog the 7-11, Card, Mermaid, Fish, Bug, and creepy sets?

I'll bump the grand total to 1.5?

It's a big order and my original plan was to break it up in the groups but now I'm thinking it's better to get it all done at once.

I'm willing to wait, I have nothing but time in AC anyways lol
Mayor Name: Ki
Town: Smiles
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Creepy
Price Offer: 1.6 mil
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes
Any other order inquiries:
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!): prefer to trade in your town as I have no space.(town full of flowers.beach included) Also please pm me, sometimes I miss forums.

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Last edited:
Mayor Name: Jun
Town: Terminus
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Rococo (complete)
Price Offer:500K?
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: No
Any other order inquiries: 7-11 (complete) 5million
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Jun, thank you for your order (and for reading and posting the rules!)
So the total for your order is 5.5 Million. That's what I paid for the 7/11 set alone. I am willing to sell it to you for 5 million, but if you are willing to pay higher, that would be appreciated. I will PM you and we can discuss it.
Either way, 500K for Rococo is perfectly fine. :) I will get your order to you as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience! I will also PM you when your order is ready. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor Name: Ezusa
Town: Hanabera
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): minamalist set
Price Offer: 200k?
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Nope
Any other order inquiries: nope
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!):nope

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Ezusa, thank you for your order. Your continued patronage is greatly appreciated! Thank you for also reading and posting the new rules of the store since your last order :) Thank you very much.
200K is a fair price for the Minimalist set. I can do that no problem. As before, I will PM you when its all ready for you!
Tank you for your patience as I address your order!

- - - Post Merge - - -

town: Wolftown
Want to buy: cabin,jingle, ranch, robot,kiddie, minimalist, modern wood,regal all full series
Want to catalog: Card full series, mermaid full series,mush..just the wall & floor
Will pay: 1mil?
.......Don't care who's town
........not in any hurry please let me know if you will take my order so i dont have to look for these items anymore. Please take your time.Sorry its such a large order.

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Sandra, thank you for your order! I will do my best to address it as soon as I can. It IS a large order, but that's not a problem for me so long as you are willing to wait for your sets! I will PM you also as you requested, as well as PM you when your sets are ready for you. Thank you for also reading a posting the rules of this shop! Much appreciated! I will accept your order for 1 Million, since there is not the added stress of it being an urgent order to fill. Thank you for your patience!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I posted my order a couple days ago but I was wondering if I could add to it?

If so, in addition to buying the jingle series and cataloging the sloppy series could I also:

Buy the Harvest set and Spooky set

and catalog the 7-11, Card, Mermaid, Fish, Bug, and creepy sets?

I'll bump the grand total to 1.5?

It's a big order and my original plan was to break it up in the groups but now I'm thinking it's better to get it all done at once.

I'm willing to wait, I have nothing but time in AC anyways lol

Sure thing. I have officially added those sets and the cataloguing to your order for a total of 1.5 Million. :) Thank you for your patience! I will PM you also, just to make sure you know I have added everything to your order!
Mayor Name: Jeido
Town: Malkuth
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): From the Regal series: Regal Bed, Regal Bookcase, Regal Chair, Regal Clock, Regal Vanity, Regal Carpet (total 6 items)
Price Offer: 60K
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Whatever is easiest for you!
Any additional requests: We can trade in my town, unless it's easier for you to trade in yours

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Mayor Name: Jeido
Town: Malkuth
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): From the Regal series: Regal Bed, Regal Bookcase, Regal Chair, Regal Clock, Regal Vanity, Regal Carpet (total 6 items)
Price Offer: 60K
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Whatever is easiest for you!
Any additional requests: We can trade in my town, unless it's easier for you to trade in yours

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi there! Thank you for your order! 60K is acceptable, thank you. :) I will do my best to fill your order as quickly as possible, and PM you when its all set. :) I appreciate your patience, as there as been a recent sprint in orders! I am just recovering from being sick so I am accepting help from Diamondarcadia to fill orders faster and catch up to compensate for any delay in service! Thanks again!
Mayor Name: Jeff
Town: Atlas
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): From the Rococo series: All except the Rococo Wall, Candlestick, and Sofa (10 pieces total)
Price Offer: 100K
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Whatever is easiest for you!
Any additional requests: We can trade in my town, unless it's easier for you to trade in yours

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Mayor name:Kurt
Requested item(s)/set(s): gorgeous set
Price offer: 5million (to buy)
If you request that I time travel to get the item sooner: preferably yes
Any additional request: nope :)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Last edited:
Mayor Name: Jeff
Town: Atlas
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): From the Rococo series: All except the Rococo Wall, Candlestick, and Sofa (10 pieces total)
Price Offer: 100K
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Whatever is easiest for you!
Any additional requests: We can trade in my town, unless it's easier for you to trade in yours

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Jeff, thanks for your order! I will PM you when its all set! I usually sell each full Rococo set for 500K, is there any way you can do 250K? Many thanks.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor name:Kurt
Requested item(s)/set(s): gorgeous set
Price offer: 5million (to buy)
If you request that I time travel to get the item sooner: preferably yes
Any additional request: nope :)

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, I have one ready for you already, no TTing needed. And no one wants to catalogue it either. 5 Million is a good price. I can trade now if you want. I will PM you. :)
Mayor Name: Jun
Town: Jigoku
Requested Item(s)/Set(s):Kiddie and Polka Dot
Price Offer: 300k
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes
Any other order inquiries: none

thank you very much

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Mayor Name: Megan
Town: Inaba
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Modern Dresser
Price Offer: 20k
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes
Any other order inquiries: none

Thank you! I really need one to finish my Modern room.

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)
Mayor Name: Jun
Town: Jigoku
Requested Item(s)/Set(s):Kiddie and Polka Dot
Price Offer: 300k
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes
Any other order inquiries: none

thank you very much

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hello, Jun! Thank you for your continued patronage! And for posting the new rules of the shop since your last visit.
300K is fine, thank you. I can probably get your items to you today or tomorrow, if you like!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor Name: Megan
Town: Inaba
Requested Item(s)/Set(s): Modern Dresser
Price Offer: 20k
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes
Any other order inquiries: none

Thank you! I really need one to finish my Modern room.

1. I agree that I am committed to my order, should I be notified on this thread (OR by PM, by request only) that my order has been accepted.
2. I understand that once a price has been agreed upon, and my post or PM has been responded to, KiloPatches is committed to filling the order. (That is my promise to you. If I have responded, it has been noted and the order is forthcoming)
3. I understand that KiloPatches fills orders in sequential order, based on urgency and quantity. (Please be patient if you make a very large order (i.e.: over 26 individual items, or 2 full sets or more))
4. I understand that a PM will be sent to me when my order is ready, and agree to anticipate hearing from KiloPatches within a reasonable time frame. (KiloPatches will also post that your order is ready on this thread).
5. I agree to the policy of this store that if my order isn not claimed within 10 days of the date that KiloPatches sends notification (via PM) that my order is complete, it will expire and be sold to someone else. KiloPatches is committed to sending you a reminder that you order is about to expire 3 days prior to Day 10. If your order is 3 days from expiring, KiloPatches will also indicate that on this thread.
6. I reserve the right to cancel my order at any time, and will notify KiloPatches by Private Message that I intend to cancel my order. (Please only do this if you have not yet received the PM that your order is ready - if I have PM'd you that your order is ready, cancelling your order after-the-fact is not appreciated and just plain bad manners. PLEASE notify me that you want to cancel your order BEFORE I send out that PM, so I do not fill an unwanted order and delay service to other customers)
7. If I request refurbishing, I understand that Time Travelling will not speed up the process of filling my order. Cyrus' work is not sped up by Time Travelling. Please allow ample time for the order to be filled. Time Travelling is not an option for orders that require refurbishing.
8. I understand that after a successful trade I am entitled to a WiFi rating. If KiloPatches doesn't send out a WiFi rating (which sometimes happens, I might forget to), and I want one, I am to contact her to request one (don't worry, I would be more than happy to, I might just need a reminder!)

Hi, Megan! Welcome to my shop! Its always nice to see new people stop by to browse, even for just a small order. 20K is fine for the Modern Dresser. I can probably have it to you by today, if you like! Thanks for posting the rules also! Much appreciated!
Mayor Name: Jass
Town: Asgard
Requested Item(s)/Set(s):
* Chocolate fountain
* Dishwasher
* Electric kettle
* Bread box
* Kettle
* Kitchen corner
* Kitchen scale
* Kitchen tile
* Kitchen wall
* Kiwi stool
* Marshmallow chair
* Mixer
* Mop
* Pepper mill
* pickle jar
* Pot rack
* Sink
* Toaster
* Water cooler
* Sushi platter
* Stove

Price Offer: 250k
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes / No
Any other order inquiries: x
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!): My town please if possible!
Mayor Name: Jass
Town: Asgard
Requested Item(s)/Set(s):
* Chocolate fountain
* Dishwasher
* Electric kettle
* Bread box
* Kettle
* Kitchen corner
* Kitchen scale
* Kitchen tile
* Kitchen wall
* Kiwi stool
* Marshmallow chair
* Mixer
* Mop
* Pepper mill
* pickle jar
* Pot rack
* Sink
* Toaster
* Water cooler
* Sushi platter
* Stove

Price Offer: 250k
If you request that I Time Travel to get the items to you sooner: Yes / No
Any other order inquiries: x
Any additional requests (such as what town to trade in, if you have a preference, or if you would like refurbishing done!): My town please if possible!

Sorry to be a stickler, but to place an order, could you kindly post the rules as well? It is a new policy that you read and post the rules with your order. I have PM'd you about it. Please do so out of fairness for everyone else who does it as well.

I will gladly accept your order - please specify if you wish me to TT or not, or how soon you need your items. THat would help me a great deal. Thank you!