Hi! Thank you for your order, and for reading the rules! Much appreciated!
The price you listed is a bit low. Especially for Gracie Grace. I would hope for at least 2 Million for the Gracie set alone. :S (I think that is how much it costs with the bell boom ordinance). Would you just like to buy the Minimalist, Spooky, Polka Dot and Kiddie and come back for Gracie when you have more bells? Also, the kitchen items are reorderable, andI do not allow cataloguing of reorderable items. Would you like to buy them instead (since I will have to order them anyway to get them for you to catalog) I can let you catalog Gracie for free if you want. I have one in stock, but I assume you want to own one. I am sure we can figure something out. Some people have been VERY generous wit me on here with trades, the least I can do is help you out. If you can find out how much a Gracie set costs with the bell boom ordinance in place that would be SO great, I would be willing to give you a discount. It will take time for me to get the full set for you. Upwards of a week, depending on what she stocks each day. So if you are partient too, that would be appreciated and I am more willing to haggle down the price
- - - Post Merge - - -
Hey! This is one INTENSE order! I accept! Thank you for reading the rules! I will do my best to TT to get them all as soon as possible but I am not a machine. I will get them to you by the end of the week AT THE VERY LATEST, with Time Travelling. Not even. Maybe a couple days. Problem is, I order furniture in the catalog and there is a maximum you can order before the post office maxes out and I have to pick up mail, TT to pick it all up, Order, TT, pick it all up, Order, TT, Order, TT, back and forth

And it is difficult with 10 items coming in at a time. I will put your items on my beach. More room that way I think. But thats A LOT of sets! But like I said, I take any order, no matter how big or small. If I can get them to you by Wednesday Night can you do 20 Million? I TTl'd enough today to fill orders ... I need a break.

I will get back to it tomorrow. I will PM you when its all set either way.