1. Someone posted a collectible can only be gifted once. True??
2. Also noticed a lot of people who had many collectibles in their inventory now only show what is under their name. Where or how do you hide what you have.
1) True
2) The sender probably didnt send a message. I dont think the one who holds the collectibles can ever hide messages given together with the collectibles.
Okay. Thanks. Regarding ?2 I'm still confused. People's inventory would show feathers, scroll, candy, etc and I now see only limited items. I know how to hide what shows on screen but how do you keep private what's in your inventory? Still on training wheels here.
Under the shop tab, is inventory. Click on inventory. You can select what is shown and what is hidden. The ones that you want to hide You click on hidden. You can only display 2 rows of collectibles so if you have a lot some can not be displayed. The birthstone may only be gifted 1 time. Some special event ones can not be gifted at all. The rest can be regifted repeatedly.