Release Date / Game Reveal Timing Speculation and Discussion

When will Animal Crossing for Switch release? (new poll as of May 26th)

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Hoo boy, although I don't necessarily believe it, it's quite funny that an early November (5th-9th) Direct is now being rumoured enough for Spawn Wave to make a video about it... It sure would be hilarious if it ended up being on the 6th. (And awesome of course)
It would be absolutely hilarious turn of events if somehow this 'ACFS' person is actually credible. I personally doubt it too but speculating is part of the fun, isn't it? :)
Nintendo Directs have always been on Thursdays, and if it?s true, it?s most likely going to be either a smash bros or Pokemon Let?s Go Pikachu/Eevee related event. Nothing about Animal Crossing.

But if the guy was right, then we were certainly fooled. It?s most likely wrong because I expect some Animal Crossing related news in February, because I don?t like the pattern of Nintendo Directs appearing in January so often.
Nintendo Directs have always been on Thursdays

Since when? We've had many directs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. That being said, I can't see them doing a direct on the 6th since isn't it the midterm elections in the US, and that would definitely draw attention away from any announcements.
According to the rumour both a general and game-related direct are expected in November. With the game related one being likely smash. There would be a chance of some AC info or footage in the former if it were true.
I predict Q4. Gotta snatch that holiday cash. obvi I wish it would be sooner than that though... I about fell over when i saw the announcement on Twitter.
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According to the rumour both a general and game-related direct are expected in November. With the game related one being likely smash. There would be a chance of some AC info or footage in the former if it were true.

I'd love it if this was true. However, I'm not expecting the game to drop earlier than Q3 so I'm not really expecting us to see anything AC related until next year.

I hope I'm dead wrong though. lol
At this point I really am expecting the game to release in Summer, although I also think a late spring release is a possibility. I think that we will either get some information in November, then January, then release in late spring, OR we will get information in January, then a release around E3 time. For some reason everything hinges around whether we get info in November or January for me. I don't THINK we will get info in November, though, but I am really confident for info in January if we don't get it before then.
Dont know if you've guys heard about it. But it's release date is December 31st 2019. I went to Gamestop the other day and preodered it. The guy working there said it could be just a holder date but who knows

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also it says on the gamestop website too btw
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That is absolutely a placeholder date aldottcica, it's the date always used for preorders of games that don't have a set date yet but do have a year.
All the mainline games were released on November/December, so I'd be surprised if it's before then.
All the mainline games were released on November/December, so I'd be surprised if it's before then.

Not quite. While it is true for Japan in all but two games, only City Folk and Wild World have launched in that timeframe in the rest of the world. Nowadays, Nintendo doesn't sit on their thumbs when it comes to major titles and launches them worldwide in the same week.
quick update: direct on the 8th, not 6th. not sure what you're getting exactly but presumably a trailer and release date confirmation. i'll be stalking here after!
Oh hello again! Surprised to see you come back. The 8th seems too soon to me, but it's not completely unbelievable.
quick update: direct on the 8th, not 6th. not sure what you're getting exactly but presumably a trailer and release date confirmation. i'll be stalking here after!

Wait, hold on. A leaker? Here on Bell Tree? Interesting, I always see you guys on Twitter. I mean,
don't get me wrong, I know there are leakers out there, who were right with what they said. But
I'm still sceptical about every supposed to be leak, as I don't want to get hyped for nothing at the

So, Nov. 8th hm? Well, that's a thursday. I agree with smonikkims, it seems too soon, especially
since we just got that big Smash Direct. Then again, are we talking about a Animal Crossing only
Direct or a normal Nintendo Direct? Also, I would confidence Nintendo to just drop another Direct
after there was one. And many rumors said there would be another Direct this month, maybe it
is true..?

Well, I will wait and see. Actually, Nintendo would announced the Direct on tuesday if there is
really one next week (at least if I remember correctly, they announce Directs two days before
the day they gonna show it). Would be really nice to finally get some informations, but like I
said, I'm sceptical.
^ACFS showed up a while back to tell us there would be a direct on the 6th of November and since then a lot of people have decided not to believe them, so if this is a fake leaker we're dealing with it's a pretty gutsy move coming back to adjust! I just find this stuff entertaining anyway since it's nice to have something to look forward to even if we're just looking forward to it being disproven. Haha it makes the days to the real release go faster.
November 8th coincidentally happens to be the date when Youtube will become available on the Switch

I don't think another Direct will take place this close to the Smash Direct, but the source that leaked the date for the Smash Direct did say to expect 2 Directs this Month. I'll keep my eyes peeled but still very hesitant to believe this 'leaker' tbh.
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hm we did have special directs a week after a regular direct in the past (wasn't the pokemon 2019 developer direct a week after a normal direct where it got confirmed? hm..) so it's not impossible to imagine.. and if it's just a trailer it could be part of a regular direct too. given that we don't have much information on the n64 classic yet (that is coming in spring? not sure right now) it could happen, that they want to tease it now. otherwise they might have to wait till after let's go and smash are out. we'll see anyway
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quick update: direct on the 8th, not 6th. not sure what you're getting exactly but presumably a trailer and release date confirmation. i'll be stalking here after!

Hey man, I wanna be proven wrong. We're in prime Animal Crossing Direct season after all. I'm just being cautious, as everyone here should be regarding leaks of ANY kind.

If it turns out you have legit info, then awesome. Thank you for the heads up in advance, but we'll know for certain soon enough.
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