Remember when...

Wait, Gulliver took you to the moon if you helped him enough times? I never knew about that! I could never manage to get my slingshot out in time to shoot him down.
Remember when there was Flower Fest and you'd run around stealing your villager's flowers and they said something like "Look at my beautiful garden!" or "Who took my flowers?"
Wait, Gulliver took you to the moon if you helped him enough times? I never knew about that! I could never manage to get my slingshot out in time to shoot him down.

no it was a rumor and not true at all.
Remember in GC if you completed your mortgage a gold statue of yourself was at the train station?
Remember when the fame felt humble and simple? I miss that..
Remember catching mini ghosts for Whisp?
Remember the amazing GC music?
Remember tricking Jingle into thinking you were multiple people by changing into different clothes?
Remember the layered town? Not just a cliff at the beach?
Remember the huge towns?
Remember the scavenger hunts villagers set up to go find furniture in the ground?
(Sorry AC GC is my favorite video game....)
Wait, Gulliver took you to the moon if you helped him enough times? I never knew about that! I could never manage to get my slingshot out in time to shoot him down.

No but if you looked closely at the lunar horizon paper you buy at Nooks you can see his UFO on the moon :)

Remember notes in a bottle? I think that was my favorite thing about WW besides talking villagers out of boxes and preset move in spots.

Oh and remember when everyone reset their town 3544545845 times to get a spilt river 'island'?
Remember when you couldn't stack fruit?
Remember when your home only had 3 rooms.
Remember when there were only 2 stores and a museum?
Remember when you couldn't wear different pants?

I miss the NES games that you could play on the Nintendo Gamecube version. I loved to sit down in my basement of my AC house and play all the old games that were known to the NES.
Remember when all 4 characters shared a house? I like having our own individual houses.
I miss the notes in a bottle! The excitement of finding a note on the beach. The old anonymous letters that used to be sent were hilarious. Wild World had more tasks from villagers than New Leaf. There were a variety of things you could do, but New Leaf's tasks are a bit bland.
Maybe Nintendo can update NL and add notes in bottle similar to the Tingle Bottle that work through Miiverse.
The charm of the game? The nostalgia? The simplicity and innocence and cluelessness of just playing it knowing nothing? Miss dat original game... :(
Remember how we didn't save sometime in our first month of AC and then we spent about 10 minutes shutting resseti up, and he used to make us feel bad. I don't wana waste bells on that, but I want it <3

Remember how shampoodle and tom nooks were one store, and you had to get someone to visit ur town and buy an items to upgrade?

Remember lyle and his stupid insurance?

Remember how we hated WW because of all the things that were gone from GC? And now their back in NL, but its not... the same?

Remember when you could throw bottles into the ocean with notes, and someone would recieve them?

Remember when villagers only watered their flowers around their house? And they would get mad at you for taking them?

Remember the GC music?

Remember the giant towns, with so many villagers, and layers and GC <3

Remember when you had 1 item of clothing?

Remember when you had no special streetpass items?

Remember when Phyllis was REALLY mean?

Remember when villagers personality really showed when they spoke to you?

Remember when there were 2 shops?

Remember when half the time you tried to visit towns it didn't work? So dreamies didn't exist and there was no campsite so your favourite villagers became the ones in your town?

GC and WW will be my favourite always <3
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Remember how we hated WW because of all the things that were gone from GC? And now their back in NL, but its not... the same?


- - - Post Merge - - -

Remember when you couldn't stack fruit?
Remember when your home only had 3 rooms.
Remember when there were only 2 stores and a museum?
Remember when you couldn't wear different pants?


A terrible time >.>
Remember when there was the recycling bin?
I'd always check it everyday and make sure there was no furniture in it. If there was, I'd take it for myself.
Remember when you'd steal the lost and found items and return them for money?
Remember when you were stuck with one hair color, and a hat?
Remember when you'd do a favor of Tortimer and turn on the lighthouse for two weeks?
Remember when you had that gyroid outside your house to leave a message, items, or try to sell things?
Remember when you first moved in, and you had to check out all four houses when they were exactly the same?
Remember when you got to post a pattern on your door and on random wooden signs around your town?
Remember when you couldn't handle that basketball well and it ended in the river within ten seconds?
Remember when you lived off the animal crossing guide book full of every item, character, and things to do on what day?
Remember when you'd wait for K.K. Slider near the train station on that little wooden box?
Remember when you'd run around town, reading those cheesy signs?
Remember when you'd reset your town multiple times to find that rare town with three levels?
Those were the days.. :)
Remember when Phyllis talked to you rudely?
(I was expecting her to stay the same in New Leaf as well but I guess not D':. I miss the old Phyllis)

Remember when villagers would remind you and get mad if you missed their appointment?

Remember how you didn't have control as to where you lived and new characters that you create would just chill in the same house?

Remember there's an attic where you would save and sleep? Oh and how you could change your bed?

Remember the note in the bottle that would randomly show up on your beach?