Reporting bad visitors ruining towns?

sorry that happend.

its lowkey annoying honestly to have to trade if u want color options for multiple furnitures but NOT EVEN ONE TRADING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTEND. like camon.... they knew it from the start. lol.
Sorry this happened to you! I don't understand people who entertain themselves by "trolling" in Animal Crossing. What I've done is fence in the area around my airport's dock for trading, since I don't have any desire to let people roam my town when we trade anyway. Of course, you have to make sure you're inside the fenced area before the person arrives to trade, as you can't move outdoor furniture with someone on your island.
This is what I've done too. I even prefer it aesthetically ngl. Depends on personal taste but is definitely more secure.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I too don't understand how people can do this for fun...

What I always do is fence my hybrid flowers, so people can't get to them. Rather be safe than sorry. If you want to keep your fruits, be sure to gather them before going online. People can't use their shovel or axe, so the only 'bad' thing they can do is run and trample the flowers or pluck them (not pick them up entirely). But they'll grow back, so It's not really a super big deal.