Request a Sig from Chubsterr[CLOSED

Hm.. oh wow.
These are pretty good.
I like them.

It would be nifty to have another signature made but I have no ideas.

Lemme know when you're open.
i made this thing can you color in please

i want the guys to be standing on a hill and on the hill in the middle its got my name
spector1 said:
i made this thing can you color in please

i want the guys to be standing on a hill and on the hill in the middle its got my name
omigosh! I LOVE patapon!

@chubsterrr: I got my siggie. Thanks :veryhappy:
Sorry guys i wasnt able to come online the past few days ill be working on signatures today.

If anyone doesnt want a sig anymore let me know so i wont waste time and move on.

Sorry for the waiting time :gyroidsideways:

hopefully ill deliver at least 2 signatures today.
I'd like a Batman: Arkham Asylum signature please! Here are the details, I won't make it too detailed though, I'd like some of it to be a surprise!

Here's the first image I'd like, I'd like it mainly around the Joker and I like that render.
And the next image is here.

For my name I'd like it in the Bat Logo, any grimy looking effects and a theme of yellow and black and if another colour is desperately needed then green. As long as the basics of what I have requested are the same you can do what you like from there!

Thank you!

SAMwich said:
I'd like to request a signature from you please. If I could get a matching avatar that'd be great if not don't worry. I'd like it of mirrors edge. I'll let you choose the pictures so it's a surprise but I'd like it very bright like the game is. If you really need pictures let me know but if you can find your own that'd be great. Thanks :D
sure sam ill look but if u want u can help find a pic.
Well i didnt like the pic u requested horus, it had a lot of noise and blurryness.

But i made u this one hope u like it, if not :throwingrottenapples:


chubsterr said:
Well i didnt like the pic u requested horus, it had a lot of noise and blurryness.

But i made u this one hope u like it, if not :throwingrottenapples:


It looks cool!
Okay chubsterr, I'd like a signature [and if you can make the matching avvie] containing the Joker.
Here's the image: click
Unless you can find a better one [The Joker from the dark knight btw]
Uhh I want it to say 'Your death is so close I can almost taste it' somewhere and then 'coffeebean!' somewhere on a bottom corner. And fade them.
I really like the style you used with your first example siggy [like the bright neon lights and streaks and stuff] and I also like the style you used on Bita's siggy.
So if you could make it, it would be great:)
Make it uber cool.<3
Hey chubster again! lol

I would like a signature and avator that contains the following!
Avator: as it is but with Colm Fitzi written at the bottom left hand corner!
Sig:play around with it but again i want vans in it like the ones in my avator!

Thank you!
Colm Fitzi said:
Hey chubster again! lol

I would like a signature and avator that contains the following!
Avator: as it is but with Colm Fitzi written at the bottom left hand corner!
Sig:play around with it but again i want vans in it like the ones in my avator!

Thank you!
four words.....

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