I waited awhile for you to be ready already, he was supposed to go last night. I have it on the first post you have to be able to take them immediately or quickly. I hope you find him again soon, I know how much you wanted him, but I have my own schedule to keep!
I'm sorry you're sad. I was hoping you would get him, but I can't wait anymore. I have many other villagers to cycle out, I have a friend waiting for my extra game cartridge and ds that I told her I would give her, I had Carmen moving out waiting to move in, and I said immediately or within a few hours in the rules. I am not sure why you went ahead and adopted a 10th villager today when you knew you were getting Octavian, unless I misunderstood, but either way... I made it clear that I wouldn't wait long!
I hope you cheer up and I really do hope you find him soon.
edit: oh, wait, did you accidentally get one by spotpass? I think I understand, in that case.
Half hour!
If there are no higher offers, Moontown, Bob's all yours!
This is going to be my last offer on this thread - I need to get my friend her game and I am going to try and use Ankha/Marshal to get my last dreamie (Fauna). So I wish you all luck in getting your fav animals <3