Returning to Animal Crossing after 1 year ~


nightowl pleb
Mar 10, 2014
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Its summer again and I'm going to devote my life to this once again! I've had school and work consuming my life so it feels great to see my town after 12 months. I'm going to finish my town once and for all and get my dreamies so if you wanna add me, pm me!
Hey MayorYuki! I have a question if you have time to answer. I have also not played animal crossing in upwards of a year, I bought my boyfriend a 3ds and animal crossing for his upcoming birthday, and I feel like its that time again to get back into it. The thing is I am worried about picking up the swing of it and villagers and all that. How do you get back into ? Do you just play and pick things up from there? If you have any tips I'd really appreciate it! thanks ^^
Hey NiiAnn! I just play from where I left off. This is my second town because the first town i had, I didn't like the map so I restarted. How i play is to motivate yourself to be able to complete the little tedious quests you have to do in order to get what you want. I LOVE this game so I'll be willing to do whatever it takes to complete it. But it honestly all depends on you! I sometimes just like to talk to the villagers and eat caca but just have fun with it. if it doesn't catch your attention, just think about what you want to accomplish out of the game. If you need anything else, pm me. Good luck :3