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Review Score Predictions?


Mar 21, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Although it's much too early for English critic reviews of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, I'd like to ask The Bell Tree Community about it anyway:

In your opinion, what is your predicted range of review scores from critics such as IGN, Gamespot, and Nintendo Power?

If you can, state your reasons on why you chose that score range.
"I predict that it will get scores of 8-9. There's a lot of new features (pants!) to keep it distinct from the previous games, but despite that, reviewers are still going to complain about how it's 'more of the same.'"

Whether you have the game or not, everyone is encouraged to state their opinions.
Thanks for looking at this thread!
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I expect it to get 8 or 9. IMO i'd be surprised if it got a 7.

Idk why I just think that's what it deserves
I honestly don't rate Gamespot and IGN as very good review sites. I prefer to visit online video reviews that shows actual gameplay. It's hard to find good 3DS reviews though as it's usually for PC or console.

I also don't think rating scores should be applied to games, especially ones like AC which is at a funny area of sandbox... or game? Also depending on the bias of the person they might love these types of games and give it a ten or hate them and give it a seven. It all depends on the person writing so I always take any review with a pinch of salt.

At least when you watch gameplay reviews you can figure out if it's the type of game you would like to play.
I'd like to think that it would get 9.3 minimum. But with these websites that seem to now be revolving around first person shooter genres or games that honestly, aren't anything new after many installments *coughmario*, I wouldn't be surprised if it went well below a 9.3.

It's unfortunate that game websites generally just use "gamer"/best "games" as a large umbrella term. There are a lot of different kinds of gamers, I think these kinds of review sites would function a lot better if they kept certain reviewers to certain genres, and grade it on how good the game is in regards to other games in that genre rather than grading it against every other game - FPS, RPG, Sim, puzzle etc on the market.
i think it will at least get 8+. well thats what i think it deserves anyway.
8+ ACNL is pure game candy: It may not have a lot of substance but it sure is addicting and super sweet!
Personally I don't give a rat's patoot what ratings games are given, be they by 'professionals' or the common person. Though I'm more apt to actually read a common gamer's opinion on a game. Unless it starts out with "This game is gay" or "This game's graphics aren't as good as *other game*". If the reviewer is that dumb to not actually review the game and just hate it right off the bat I'm going to ignore them.

I'd have to take a look at the other games' reviews to make an estimation. I'll list IGN, not because I pay attention to them, but because they're a single thing I've heard of and can list easily. xD

Population Growing was highly rated over all and from the look of things I didn't really get anywhere near the equivalent of a 7/10 from anywhere. IGN gave it a 9.1. Wild World did pretty well too, but it did get at least one under an 8. IGN gave it an 8.8. City Folk didn't do so hot. xD Most of its scores were 'C-average' as I'd call it, and IGN gave it a 7.5.

My estimation is that New Leaf will be praised just as highly as the first game, and be equal to it on all counts. I'm sure people will love how they've finally taken a step to switch up the experience and make customization a much better experience for everyone. I don't see many low 'B-average' scores. And I'd say I could see IGN giving it at least a 9 if not an 8.9 or a 9.1.
I have a better idea of what points reviewers will like and what they won't.

- It has the most noticeable improvements over the past AC games
- The now short introductory tutorial is meaningful this time
- Robust online activites
- Villager interactions are more realistic
- The game's very addictive


- The mayor features feel to be a bit too limited
- Chores are still present (some reviewers might not know what is a beautiful town ordinance)
- Interface is obstructive and cumbersome when playing mini-games
- Quick save isn't possible on the island when alone ; they'd have to leave to their towns in order to save
- Enduring a minute or so with Kapp'n singing every time you enter/exit the island alone ; reviewers might never know how to skip it unless it is specified on the manual/dialog

With all of these points taken into consideration, I'd expect reviews ranging from 7 to 10, and a Metacritic score of around 85. Anyone giving the game a score lower than 7 is more likely to have ill-conceived opinions.
It deserves at least a 9.0 but over in the US games such as AC aren't as popular here as in japan.
I think it deserves about a 9.4, but most of the major review sites don't generally grade games like this as well as they should. I'd say that it gets a high 8, or maybe a 9.0. I generally don't listen to review sites though, because they always have wildly different opinions than I do, so I end up disappointed.

I have a feeling the pros will be new features, improved graphics, online.

While it's going to have the same cons as the past games. Repetitive, too many chores, awkward interface.
IGN Gave City Folk a 7.5 because the editor thought it was a good game but it didn't really expand or create new ideas from the previous wild world. Since CF got a 7.5 just on being an unoriginal good game I'm thinking NL will get a 7.5 + 1 point for its originality giving it a total of 8.5 from IGN any Nintendo biased reviewer will no doubt give it lower than a 9.
I never trust ratings from "professionals".

They are getting paid to review something, which I think can mess with the reviewing process a bit. I think the best rating comes from people who play a lot of games like that and do it for fun, not for money. When I am looking at a product to buy, I always look at a handful of user reviews. Same with movies.
I think it deserves no less than a 9.
I'm sure they have specific people to review certain genre's of games.
Also, don't some of them get paid off to write a good review?
Either way, if they do any less they're full of it.
It's an amazing game, even before New Leaf, and I'm sure they know it.
I don't really care about review scores. I could play a game with a rating of 1 and love it, or hate a game with a score of 10. But I guess if I had to rate it, I'd give it a nine.